Pokemon School #65 ~ The Return Of Gary And One ~ Part Three!

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Gary and the rest of the group had made it back to professor Kukui's lab, but while Lillie and Hau were packing their things, Kukui had an important message for Gary. The tall professor sat down at the nearest table while Gary was leaning against a wall.

Kukui: Take good care of these two for me....

Gary: I'll do my best!

Kukui: I just want the best for this bright students! It's a shame that I have to stop teaching them,but I hope to someday come back to do normal teaching again...

Gary: You don't have to worry about Hau and Lillie! I'll make sure to check up on them everyday and Ash is Hau's cousin, so don't forget about the availability of Ash.

Kukui: That's great! But please give my regards to professor Sycamore for me! I would love to meet him again in person. but I'm going to be extremely busy from now on.

Gary: Just like Hau and Lillie! I'm sure the two of them will be very busy, but they will try their best no matter what the circumstances thrown at them!

Kui smiled at Gary's claim, he really wanted the best for Lillie and Hau, but before he could continue to praise the two, Lillie and Hau walked out from their bedrooms with all their packed up suitcases.

Hau: We're ready!

Lillie: Ready whenever you are Gary!

Kukui: I've put all your plane tickets in Gary's suitcase, so don't forget!

Lillie: Professor! It's fine.

Hau: You don't have to worry about us! We'll be just fine with Gary and the others!

Lillie: We won't let your teaching go to waste! The lessons you taught, me and Hau will use them to improve further and further!

Hau: Right!

Kukui couldn't be any happier after being hit across the face by a large amount of positivity, but as Lillie, Hau and Kukui were saying their goodbyes. Gary was thinking back to when he said goodbye to his grandpa Oak and good friend tracey, so he could attend Sycamore High.

Kukui then stood up and walked over to the two. He placed his left hand on Hau's shoulder and placed his other hand on Lillie's shoulder and smiled, but he didn't expect what was going to happen next.

Kukui: I just want to let you kids know how proud I am of you!

Lillie: Y-your proud?

Hau: Of us?

Kukui lightly nodded as Gary smiled at Hau's and Lillie's claims.

Kukui: Of course I am proud! Why wouldn't I be?... You two were outstanding in my lessons! So now you're going to be attending my good old friends school, I want you two to carry on that momentum and do the very best you can!

Lillie and Hau stood frozen on the sport not knowing what to do next. They were speechless, their minds were blank, but Hau turned to Lillie and leant in so he could whisper something into the blonde girl's ear.

After a few seconds Hau broke from the whispering position with Lillie and nodded at each other which slightly confused Kukui and Gary for a moment, but then Lillie and Hau dived at professor Kukui forcing the tall man into a tight hug.

Kukui didn't know how to react, so he let the two carry on hugging him. This emotional moment made Gary want to return to Kalos even more to reunite with Ash and all the others, but Gary's return might not be as cheerful as he would hope for as he doesn't know what has happened during his vacation in Alola.

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