Pokemon School #33 ~ Hau To Plan A Vacation!

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It was Sunday morning and it was the day that Ash and Hau would be heading off to Hoenn with Brandon.

Ash slowly woke up, rubbing his eyes then looking at the clock that was hung up on his wall.

Ash: 6:00 am! I've woken up way too early... I've still got to wait another sixteen hours until I have I meet Brandon.... Hey Pikachu!

Ash remembered that Pikachu wasn't with him instead Pikachu was in Santalune City, Ash sighed and got out of bed, grabbed his towel, stepped over Hau who was still sleep on the mattress and headed towards the bathroom.

Ash locked the door behind him and took his top off, he stared at his reflection on the mirror, after awhile tears were slowly running down his face.

Ash: What have I done! I've let Pikachu down...

The tears were coming at a faster pace, all Ash could think about was Pikachu and what Nurse Joy said.

Ash: Nurse Joy was right... I don't deserve to call myself a trainer.

Ash tightened his fist and slammed it down on the sink in frustration.

Ash: I should of never let Pikachu out by himself...

Ash lifted his fist again and went to hit the sink only to stop himself after hearing a knock on the bathroom door.

Gary: Hey, Ash? Are you okay?

Ash wiped the tears from his face and opened the door.

Ash: Yeah... I'm fine, I'm just about to have a shower.

Gary: You sure Ashy boy? I heard a loud bang coming from the bathroom.

Ash: The only bang there will be is you falling downstairs if you called me that one more time!

Gary: Wow you changed your emotion quick! Anyway, I though my nicknames didn't bother you anymore?

Ash: Just let me have a shower...

Gary: Oh yeah, one more thing!

Ash: What's that?

Gary: Can I use your room when you're away?

Ash: Why do you want to use my room?

Gary: Shauna is staying round for the week and I don't think Delia will let me stay in the same bed as her...

Gary's cheeks turned to a bright rosy red.

Ash: My mum won't mind! I've slept in the same bed with Serena plenty of times!

Gary: Wait you have!

Ash: Yeah?... In my bed and her bed, we've slept together in both of our beds.

Gary: Wow... To think you've slept with a girl in the same bed before me... That's embarrassing! I need to step up my game Ashy boy!

Ash: The nicknames need to stop....

Ash showed no emotion on his face, he kept a straight smile while giving Gary the face of boredom.

Gary: Thanks Ash!

Ash: Wait! What! I didn't agr-

Before Ash could finish his sentence, Gary had already raced off back to his bedroom.

Ash: That Gary sure is something... Anyway! Shower time!

Ash went back into the bathroom and had a shower, after fifteen minutes in the shower, Ash stepped out and started to brush his teeth but he felt like something was missing.

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