Pokemon School #166 ~ Truths, Discoveries And A Whole Lot Of Decisions!

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February 21st 2017 ~

Gary: Can you hurry up Calem! School starts in five minutes!

Calem: Stop whining! I'm only cleaning my shoes because being the strongest trainer at Sycamore High I have to look my best.

Gary: I'm highly doubting your statement there, but either way boosting your overgrown ego won't make you move any quicker.

Calem: Jeez, Gary. Give me a second.

Gary: You have one minute!

It was an early, chilly morning and Gary was stuck leaning against the hallway wall while Calem was busy cleaning his black smart shoes in the dorm's living room. However, the two students only had a few minutes remaining until Professor Sycamore would issue detentions for the both of them.

Gary's POV

How long does it take to wipe a pair of small smart shoes with a large cloth? Jeez.... I bet Garcia could clean faster. Oh, well... Why not snoop around and see what kind of things Calem is interested in. So opposite me was a closet where Calem, Tierno and Trevor kept their cleaning equipment such as the hoover and broomstick.

I'm not even surprised Tierno and Trevor have already left for school when this Slowpoke is taking forever to clean his shoes. Anyway.... I pushed my tired, floppy body off the wall and dragged myself to the closet door. I firmly gripped my left hand on the door knob and twisted the handle allowing the door to open by itself with a smooth ease, but I was only greeted by piles of empty rubbish bags, the hoover, cloths. However, there was a box in the far back which got me intrigued.

It was a red box, regular size like a shoe box and to cover whatever was inside a matte black lid sealed the box tightly shut. The only problem I had was breaking my way through the collosal heap of trash at the front of the closet.

I released a sigh of laziness and began to push my way through the first wall of trash only to get stuck between the piles of dirty clothes. How embarrassing.... But knowing Calem would soon be finished I forcefully wriggled my bottom through pushing myself to the other side of the castle wall, and finally! I made it to the back of the closet only to realise I made a small puny job look like a mission coded red.... That just proves how much of an exaggerator I am.

But like always the excitement got the best of me and I immediately ripped open the cardboard box completely forgetting I was trespassing on Calem's turf, but as the lid came off the box I couldn't care less about what Calem thought.... I-I-I was speechless. I didn't know how to possibly describe this oddly founded feeling, but the contents of this box made me feel ill, forced my stomach to turn, forced mixed emotions into my head and I couldn't feel my fingers anymore due to how numb they became.

"Finished!" Calem's voice soon scarred my ears bringing me back to my senses, but knowing I couldn't tell Calem what I found I quickly swung my school bag over my left shoulder and shoved the cardboard box into my bag quickly disposing of my discovery, then before Calem could find a straggling bottom hanging from out of his closet I used all my strength to push myself out and closed the closet door just in time for Calem to walk around the corner with a smug look engraved across his face.

Calem: How do I look?

Calem stretched his arms out revealing his smart black suit matched by a pair of black jeans and a pair of freshly cleaned black boots. However, Gary could only reply with a comedic chuckle which Calem easily ignored.

Gary: Phhffttt! What's with the spy cosplay?

Calem: I'm not cosplaying a spy! I've realized that being the strongest Pokemon Trainer in Sycamore High is a serious responsibility, and I must look my best to give off a good impression.

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