Pokemon School #100 ~ The Legendary Rainbow Figure ~ Part Two

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*Start Of Marko's POV*

It's been three days since me and Greninja were sent packing from our home village. We landed in a jungle which I've never been aware of before, but its like a maze. The two of us have been trying day and night to find an exit out of this nightmare, but we just can't seem to find a way out.

If I had a Pokemon that could fly then it would make this situation a lot easier to deal with, but until then I had to survive on any kind of edible food and water supply that I could find.

When me and Greninja would have some spare time we would find thick tree trunks or large boulders to train on for a few hours.

A week has now passed since Nagatomo arrived at the village temple and we're yet to find a way out of this maze, but for the mean time we've established a home within the jungle to keep us sheltered away from the rain or dangers lurking around us inside the vines or behind the trees.

Like usual me and Greninja would train when we had the time, but this time something different happened. It only occurred for a few seconds, but after an hour of training me and Greninja were moving in sync, suddenly out of nowhere a spiral of water began to cover Greninja. It looked like a large water tornado, but I wish it lasted a little longer so I could study it for a little longer although when the water tornado died down I felt exhausted like I was the one doing all the work which was strange.

It has now been an entire month and it feels like we're getting nowhere. The jungle seems to be a whole lot bigger than I thought it would be and I could tell that me and Greninja have been making our home here for a while now because I have a very bushy beard. Even Greninja thought I was someone else, but as soon as we get back I'm shaving.

We also moved from our shelter made out of leaves and branches to a large and dry cave which was also home to a Tyranitar who was nice enough to let us share the cave with it.

Things have been rough as it has been an entire year since the incident with Nagatomo. I would mark a day down on the cave walls use a piece of flint, but I'm more worried about the Village Elder and the village itself.

By now Nagatomo has probably taken over the village with his mega evolved Pokemon and I wasn't there to stop him which is my biggest regret because I feel like me and Greninja should of found a way out of the jungle by now, but we've had no luck.

Later today around the time we have lunch, me and Greninja were searching within the jungle for more supplie until we heard someone scream. It was more of a feminine scream, but what surprised me even more was if that scream belonged to someone then what are they doing out here?

"Gren!" Greninja shouted as he looked over at me while pointing towards a small opening. The of us began running as fast as we could listening to the screams get louder and louder. Once we arrived at the opening a swarm of Beedrill were surrounding a lady who looked my age along with a Leafeon.

* End Of Marko's POV*

Marko: Greninja, use Water Shuriken!

Greninja: Gren!

Greninja jumped then threw to large shurikens at the swarm which scared them off, but not dealt with just yet. As Marko and Greninja cleared the area of Beedrill. The lady and her Leafeon opened their eyes to see that the Beedrill had lost interest in them and insert where after Marko and Greninja.

Marko: Round them up with Double Team!

Greninja: Ninja!

Greninja made many copies of himself and began to circle the swarm of Beedrills. Not knowing which Greninja was real, the Beedrills had no clue what to do next.

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