Pokemon School #133 ~ A Skull Bashing Rivalry!

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As a faint shadow could be seen moving around within the explosion cloud, Mallow watched in shocked as her saviour was still standing even after being hit by Sludge Bomb.

Ash: Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

The electric mouse and Professor Kukui followed up as they appeared from the trail leading to the Pokemon School, then Pikachu unleashed a gigantic bolt of lighting locking his Electric-type move onto the group of Salandit disposing of them immediately.

Guzma: Y'all crazy! Who do think your interrupting kid!

Ash: No one picks on others with greater numbers without getting away with it! Its wrong!

Guzma: Phfftt... Come on Kid. Y'all think by now that Guzma is the rightful leader of Alola.

Ash: You're mistaken! The champion would act as the rightful leader!

Guzma: Jeeze kid... Where have you been?

Ash: I only arrived the other day...

Guzma: Phftt... And here you are blocking my attacks thinking you can stop the leader of Team Skull and Alola?... Hmph! Get out of the way!

Ash: I won't let you get any closer to this school!

Pikachu: Pika!

Guzma: Kid, I'm going to give you a chance to move out of the way otherwise you'll face my destructive form!

Ash: Jeeze... A grown man acting like a little kid. You don't see that everyday.

Guzma: You've got some nerve kid! Grunts, get rid of him!

Grunts: Yes sir!

Ash: Kukui! Get Mallow, Kiawe and the others inside!

Kukui: I'm on it!

Professor Kukui hurried over to Mallow and Kiawe forcing them into the school for safety, then peering through the classroom balconies, everyone within the school premises watched on as Ash and Pikachu struck a tall, strong stance.

Grunts: Salandit and Zubat use Sludge Bomb!

Ash: Intercept it with Thunderbolt!

Pikachu: Pika!

As the large splodges of sludge skied in towards Pikachu, the electric mouse was able to devour the Poison-type moves with a single Thunderbolt as the powerful move forced the Sludge Bomb attack into millions of purple splats exploding everywhere covering Ash and Pikachu in purple goo.

Ash: Yuck... This stuff might effect us Pikachu so we need to be quick and end this!

Pikachu: Pika!

Grunts: Yungoos, Crunch!

Three mongoose like Pokemon scurried over to Pikachu with their giant ferocious jaws smacking together as they prepared themselves for a Pika meal until out of nowhere a large yellow figure zoomed across Ash and Pikachu blocking Yungoos from attacking.

Ash: W-Wha-What?!

Pikachu: Pika?!

Grunts: Oh no...

Guzma: It couldn't be!

Suddenly the surrounding environment began radiating a yellow colour as electricity flowed throughout the ground, trees and bushes around Ash. The large Pokemon continued to hop from one side to another, then slowly the strange creature held its black arms up in the sky emitting electricity from its body.

Ash: Whoa... Its using Discharge!

Guzma stood in shock as his grunts and their Pokemon wrapped themselves around him preparing to take a beating from the mystery creature.

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