Pokemon School #22 ~ The Start Of Something New!

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Today was Friday and Ash was up earlier than usually, the reason for that was because he battled Diantha the champion yesterday and was told he could have the rest of the school day off which he didn't refuse.

Ash: Morning buddy!

Pikachu: Pika?

Pikachu was still rubbing his eyes when he was shocked to see Ash up so early.

Ash: Yeah I'm up early, I'm guessing all that sleep I got yesterday must of helped.

Delia: Ash! Gary! Time to get up!

Ash: I'm already up!

Delia opened the bedroom door to see Ash in clean clothes and ready for school.

Ash: Before you ask anything, yes I've had a shower, yes I've had breakfast and yes I've brushed my teeth.

Delia: H-how come you're up this early and ready for school?

Ash: Well... Yesterday I got randomly chosen to battle the champion of this region who is Diantha, I battled her which I lost, so Sycamore said I could have the rest of the day off.

Delia: Oh really?... Well you better be telling the truth young man.

Pikachu: Pika! Pika pi!

Pikachu was backing Ash up on his reason why he was up so early.

Delia: Well it looks like Pikachu is backing you up.

Ash: How can you understand Pikachu?

Delia: I think being around him and you a lot had made it easier for me.

Ash: Right... I'm going to head downstairs and watch TV.

Delia: Alright dear, would you like anything else for breakfast?

Ash: I'm fine, I'll probably take an apple before I head off to school.

Delia: Oh.. Ok if that's what you want.

Ash smiled and hugged Delia.

Ash: Thanks anyway mum!

Delia: Oh it's fine dear, what about you Pikachu? I'm guessing you're hungry?

Pikachu: Pika!

Delia and Pikachu went downstairs to make breakfast while Ash was getting his bag ready.

He walked out holding his bag in one hand and out of nowhere Gary came zooming down the hallway.

Gary: I need to go in there first! All the ladies are waiting for me!

Ash: That's fine, I've already had a shower, and brushed my teeth and had breakfast.

Gary: Wait what?

Ash: I'm ready for school, so I can relax for an hour as its only half six.

Gary: When did you do all this?

Ash:  I was allowed to go home yesterday after my battle with Diantha so I slept duri-

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