Boxed-Up Fury: Part 4

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"You really think she'll help us defeat the Box ghost?" Tuck asks and Danny says "Well it's her box, and maybe she can help us get it away from him and get all this stuff back in it." "The book says her realm is weird and dangerous, use it to guide you," Sam says handing me her book before pointing at me and giving me a serious stare. "It was the last copy at the Skulk & Lerk so be careful ok?"

"Sounds good to me, and on the way, you can tell me who exactly this Pandora is," Danny starts to say when Logan went "No, no! Don't...Say that..." "Why?" Danny asks before Logan slides his hands down his face and points at me. "Now she's gonna nerd out until she's blue, have fun with that." 

Logan says as I start dragging Danny off asking "You don't know?! I've got a lot to tell you, did you know that Pandora's box was a gift to her from Zeus? And he gave it to her to cause trouble because Prometheus offended, and angered him?" I began to state fact after fact about Pandora as we made our way to the Ghost Zone. 

"Sam! Tucker! Logan! Thank goodness you three are safe, have you seen Danny and (y/n)?!" Our parents run up and all three come up with different places that we supposedly were at. "Uh, the important thing is they're safe!" Jazz quickly interjected. "You kids better stay with us, we can form a battle line and hunt down that ghost dragon together!"

Maddie exclaimed pulling out more weapons for the three while Jack pulled out a bag of more supplies stating "And with its fire, we can make smores! Ha! I knew carrying around gram crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows would pay off someday!" "You had me at smores, bazooka me up!" Tuck said happily. "Plague, pestinants, boy bands, woah this is one evil box," Danny commented as he flipped through the pages of Sam's book. 

Before I could tell Danny another fact about Pandora and her box we hear Skulker's screams and we look up to see him being chased by creepy versions of unicorns. "Unicorns? Now, these I know!" Danny says and I suck in air through my teeth. "What?" "Actually, in Greek mythology, many things you think you know are a lot different like unicorns aren't princess-sized, sirens weren't considered like mermaids, they were considered more bird-like and-" 

I was cut off when we hear Skulker shout again and we look to see the unicorns had blasted away Skulker's jetpack and he began to fall and we quickly sprung into action and grabbed him before he could hit anything. "I won't tell anyone about this if you won't." "Deal!" We fly around Skulker's island and the place was destroyed. "Well, that's great! I just had the whole place painted! Why are you holding me and not punishing the Box ghost? This is his doing!"

"We'll let Pandora punish the Box ghost if we can find her. You should be safe here," Danny says as we hide out in an ice cave and watch the unicorns run by. "Ugh, I never understood why those things are cute."

Skulker says with a shudder as I remark "Because people think unicorns are sweet, fluffy, and made of rainbows." "Follow those beasts and you'll find Pandora, look or the acropolis!" Skulker tells us, pointing at the unicorns as we follow them. "I sure hope things are controlled there at Amity Park," Danny mutters, both of us unaware of the chaos running through out our city which was in shambles.

"Things are out of control in Amity Park! Snakes, frogs, bats, and one ten-headed monster are breaking havoc and overseeing it all appears to be a ghost with superiority complex who justs wants attention. Well, he's certainly got mine, this is Lance Thunder saying: WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME INSIDE NOW?!" He shouts, tugging on the doors of the news studio after shaking off the snakes, and frogs, shooing away the bats and being hit by a fireball. Sam, Tucker, and Logan rush up to the hdra and began to shoot their bazookas at it when Sam noticed Tuck shooting the snakes. 

"Forget the snakes Tucker, aim for the dragon!" "You battle your phobia, I'll battle mine!" He tells her as he continues to shoot the snakes. "If we were fighting my phobia, that'd be a giant fire breathing cheerleader, I sure hope Danny and (y/n) found Pandora."

Sam sassed back as she and Logan continued to shoot at the hydra. We finally spot the acropolis and land when Danny sees a lady and approaches her. "Um excuse me, can you tellme where we can find Pando-Woah!" Danny was but off as I pull him back away from her as she turns around her snakes for hair hissing at us...Medusa, oh no... "You dare disturb Medusa?!" She shouts her snakes wrapping around us as I shout "Danny, don't look her in the eye or you'll turn to stone!"

"Gaze into my eyes so I may turn you to stone!" She shouts in our faces as we close our eyes and turn our heads as Danny blasts her with an ectoblast stating "Nasty split ends! Maybe all you need is a little condition." "My pets! My precious pets!" She cries looking at her fried hair as she runs off, Danny shouting "Actually, that's a really good look for you!"

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