Phantom Planet: Part 1

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Author: I'm sure it's been a long few days for you all but I finally finished it, I'm still gonna keep to my schedule of posting one chapter every day so I can work on the Epilogue and whatever things I said I'd explain that isn't explained in Phantom Planet will be explained in the Epilogue but now that that's out of the way I proudly present the fixed version of Phantom Planet:

Deep in outer space near the rings of Saturn was a satellite designed to look like Vlad which sent a drone to a unique glowing green rock with a shape of a skull on the front. Picking up a piece the drone returns to the satellite where an analysis of the rock was made. "Analysis conclusive. Astroid entirely made of unique anti-ghost matter: Ectoranium. Negative effects which can only be felt by ghosts," The Maddie hologram stated, approaching the second Maddie hologram. "It will be most effective in making anti-ghost weapons and ease master's take over of the Ghost Zone."

The second Maddie explained, turning to a hanging portrait of Vlad. "And I shall be the one to tell him the good news!" "No, I shall!" "I shall!" "Your resolution is much too low and your band with is far too large!" "Why you holographic-" The two holograms argued before getting into an all-out fistfight. Outside the satellite, a portal opened and Plasmius came flying out, holding the Infa-Map.

"What a glorious morning. Defeating Frostbite and pilfering the all-powerful Infa-Map! If this keeps up I should be ruling the Galaxy by lunch!" Suddenly his helmet was blasted and he turned around to see the Spector Speeder fly out as Danny's voice rang out. "Kitchen's closed Plasmius! Give us back the map!" When Danny's demands were denied, I give Tuck a nod who starts shooting at Plasmius, causing him to fall back as we fly overhead, Danny and I putting on a helmet before shutting the door.

 "Let's rock!" Danny says and Sam starts a countdown from three before slamming her fist into a button that opened a door and we fly out into the inky abyss known as space. "We know you're a lost guy Vlad but no map is gonna help you find your way, you need therapy for that!"

 Danny tells Plasmius as we shoot an ectoblast at him; pulling up a shield the blasts bounce off, one hitting a rock that causes Plasmius to lose his balance. Danny then forms a giant snowball and throws it at him, freezing him on the spot. Flying up I phase my hand through the ice and grab the map as the Spector Speeder flies up, instantly phasing me in as I say "Seriously dude...Therapy."

I say the last work by poking my head out for a moment before going back in and we take off back to Earth. Breaking free from the ice Plasmius chases after us with a scream, shooting ectoblasts in the process which we easily avoided. A few of those blasts had hit his satellite which mostly bounced off but one hit a fuel tank, causing Plasmius to gasp as he muttered:

"The fusion reactor! If the flames reach it, it'll explode!" Quickly, Plasmius turns intangible and flies into the satellite, and headed straight for his ship grumbling "Taking my map, destroying my satellite, mocking my mental health, it's finally time that I finished Danny Phantom and (s/n) once and for all!" (It was never your map, to begin with,  you caused the explosion not him, well your mental is crap anyway so he can't mock it more than you already do, and those are the fandom's thoughts about you) He flies away just as the satellite exploded, knocking the unique asteroid out of its orbit with Saturn.

"Ah, home sweet home. Nothing like good solid Terrifima," Sam exclaims as all five of us walked to school. "I thought you'd like being in Space Sam, all that infinite darkness everywhere," Logan comments, and Sam gives him a smile stating "Yeah well, I like my darkness with a little more oxygen and a lot less asteroids," Logan nods in agreement as Tucker spoke his thoughts. "Still I thought it was cool we were able to help out Frostbite, I'll bet he'll be glad to get his map back." "Yeah, we'll return it to him as soon as we can and talk with him about better defenses to help keep it safe."

I say as Tucker hands me the map and I tuck it into my bag, Danny chiming in with "But right now though, I'm with Sam, it's good to be back where things are normal." "ATTENTION AMITY PARK! The Fenton and (l/n)s are on patrol, rest assured the streets are safe!" We suddenly hear and turn around to see the Fenton Assualt Vehicle barreling down the road into a fire hydrant.

"Uh...City water supply A-Ok!" "Yep, normal," Logan says with a slight chuckle, Danny giving the RV a blank stare while I facepalmed when our ghost senses go off and we hear an explosion from the Electronics store to see Technus holding a bag and a latte. "Hahaha! Nothing like a lazy day of shopping, lattes, and terrorizing the minimum wage worker. Boo," Technus said, scaring the poor employee as Danny and I go ghost while running into an alley"Going ghost!" We shout in the process. "Well, look on the bright side, at least I'm not downloading them illegally-" "Next register, cyber jerk!" Danny cuts him off as he punches Technus and he crashes outside.

Danny goes on ahead as I help the employee up and make sure they're ok before flying outside. We fly outside to see Technus using his power to combine computers with a car and basically make a transformer. "Behold ghost twerps! A perfect combination of technology, past and present! The car-puter! It will drive you to your doom!" Technus tells us with a laugh and I roll my eyes before charging at the thing when its engine popped out and hit me. I slam into the wall and Danny flies over to help me up as I grumble "Great, my first car accident and I'm not even driving yet."

Our attention turns to the reject Bumblebee as it speeds off, leaving us in the dust. "Guys!" We shout once the dust clears and we see it charging towards our friends. Suddenly before it rammed into our friends it stopped, I mean it was still moving but it was moving place...How?

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now