Phantom Planet: Part 7

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When Danny had come back inside I had already left, making him feel even worse, it was now Monday and he still hadn't seen me since we talked, and just like every time I said something really important all he could think about were my words the entire day which he knew meant he had to make a decision but one line had continuously echoed in his mind:

 "Just because we're not fighting ghosts on the daily basis doesn't mean you're not needed, sure we're not needed right now but you don't know when the town needs us, it could be today, tomorrow, or years from now all that should matter is that we're there ready to help when they need it," The more he thought about the more he started regretting taking his powers away.

He then took notice of the Master's Blasters poster hanging on the lockers as he glared at it before ripping it down and crumpling it up into a ball, he was honestly mad at himself for letting these dimwits make him feel like he wasn't needed anymore but what made him especially mad was the fact that because he wasn't handling this properly he had forced a strain on his relationship, how could he be so stupid?

That's when the building started to shake and the ghost Lunch Lady came bursting through the wall holding a pile of veggie burgers. "How dare they serve veggie burgers today! And how dare you students eat them!" She started throwing the burgers at everyone before grabbing a hold of Dash. "Somebody help!" "No more sitting on the sidelines, (y/n) was right all that matters is that I'm there when the people need me. Hang on Dash!"

He goes to fly in the air preparing to go ghost when he fell flat on his face remembering that unlike me he had gotten rid of his powers and I was nowhere in sight. Danny was then picked up just as the Master's Blasters burst through the doors, using a gun to freeze the Lunch Lady chanting their slogan and cutting Dash and Danny free from her hold. "What's with you, Fenton? Who do you think you are? Danny Phantom?" Dash then turns to the Master's Blasters. "You guys are the coolest ghost fighters ever!" "Thanks, dude! That'll be three hundred bucks," Everyone sighs as they all hand the teen ghost fighters their money.

After school, Danny had gone straight home and into the lab where he looked at the busted portal. Looking at the on button he presses it, hoping it'll work as he steps into the sparking portal and shouts "I'm going ghost!" His voice echoes in the lab and nothing happens.

His face drops as he trudges out of the lab and into the living room where Maddie and my parents were comforting Jack, Jazz and I sitting on the couch watching tv. Danny gave a small smile to see me before his attention turned to his parents. "There there, dear, so the ghost portal exploded, it's not the end of the world. You can always make another one." "I don't want another one! That portal and I had been through a lot together! And all because I wanted to download music faster, oh curse me, and my impatience!" 

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news from the Universal Observatory!" Everyone's attention turned towards the screen. "Earlier today our stellar readings indicated a massive asteroid is hurdling across the solar system!" "Where its trajectory will send it crashing directly into the Earth." "If immediate action is not taken, our entire planet will be completely destroyed!" "We estimate we have one week before impact."

"The fate of the human race is at stake. One week, use it wisely," The two scientists explained before a simulation of what will happen if the asteroid hits us, leaving everyone in a state of panic all across the globe. "As news of the approaching asteroid which some are now calling the Disasteroid circulates around the globe. Countries are combining their greatest technology to stop the oncoming threat," The news reporter stated as the screen cut to three missiles being launched as they hit the Disasteroid causing a huge explosion. People cheered in excitement only to be silenced a moment later as the Disasteroid emerged from the cloud of dust the missiles created, unharmed. 

"Sadly it appears that our best may not be good enough. And speaking of not good enough let's go live to Fenton Works!" Maddie, dad, Vlad, Jazz, and I were in the lab, a three-screen computer up and running as the news reporter stated:

"Thanks, Shelli, I'm here ringside where our privately funded mission to stop the Disateroid is underway." "I can't believe we're just sitting here at a computer console when we should be out there stopping this," Danny whispered, he had come to me earlier and apologized for everything stating now he understood what he gave up. He then looked at Vlad. " And I really can't believe we have to do this with him!"

 "We never would've been able to get this mission up and running so fast if he hadn't paid for everything so at least until the world is saved, chill!" Jazz whispers back when Lance walked up. "How's it going, young man?" "Uh, my Dad, Jack Fenton, and my girlfriend's mom, (m/n) (l/n), is piloting our new-" "My new," Vlad interrupted. "Fenton Rocket and is on their way to destroy the asteroid.

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