Boxed-Up Fury: Part 6

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"The whole world shall crumble before me!" The Box ghost shouts, the streets and sidewalks cracking. "Why don't you show us how?!" Danny calls out to him as we charge at him, shooting ectoblasts in the process. Once again he opens the box which collects the blasts and shoots them right back at us which slammed Danny and me into a wall. I'm going to be stiff because of this tomorrow...

We fly towards him once again and he shoots ectoblasts from his eyes, seeing the attack coming I glare and fly in front of Danny, shooting my own fire ectoblast from my eyes at the attack. The fire burns away the blast and sets both the Box ghost and Pegasus on fire.

Danny then shoots his own eye ice blast freezing the two in place. They begin to fall but the heat from the box melted the ice. "How about you just give us the box before anyone gets hurt," I tell him and he starts laughing. "You two are the only ones getting hurt!" "Yeah, we noticed that too, but that is about to change!" Danny exclaims, the Box ghost turning his head to see Pandora behind him as she ectoblasts him of the Pegasus and it flies off the Box ghost shouting "Come back! I command you!" 

"You command nothing! And you do NOT STEAL FROM ME!" Another shot was fired sending the Box ghost into the wall as Danny and I approached him. "I did ask nicely," I tell him as I pick up the box and hand it to Pandora as she landed next to us. "My most treasured possession! How dare you betray it by using it for evil!" She electrocutes the Box ghost who pleads mercy. "Please stop hurting the savage- Ow! Deadly- Ow! Box ghost- Ow!" He was zapped three more times.

"Wait a minute the box isn't supposed to be used for evil?" Sam asked as our friends walk up, Logan stating "But I thought it contained all the worst malevolence in the universe." "It does because it was created to contain it all. I was trying to help rid the Ghost Zone of all this malevolence as you say and make both our worlds better and less evil. Underneath all this fury and rage I'm really a very kind and thoughtful gal."

She explains to us before taking another shot at the Box ghost. "You know if you show us how to use the box correctly, we can collect all the evil for you," I offer Pandora who gives me a smile as she said:

"Oh thank you, but you've done so much already. Besides this is the easy part, I knew that spew switch was gonna come back to haunt me,"  She opens the box and lifts it up and we all watch in awe as everything that was released by the box was sucked back in. With all that out of the way Pandora turns and grabs the Box ghost.

"You will face punishment for what you have done andyou have a lot of cleaning up to do both here and in the Ghost Zone. You also need to tell everyone you are sorry." She lowers him down to our leel. "Yes ma'am, beware MY APOLOGY!" 

He says at first sounding bored before shouting as he's lifted up again. "Hmm, it's a start. Now I wouldn't mind one of your sandwiches, beating you to a pulp really worked up an appetite." " I've got smores!" Jack shouts holding up a plate filled with smores. "Perfect!" 

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now