Beauty Marked: Part 1

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It had been a few weeks since the whole incident with Skulker and size, a few weeks since the kiss, and a few weeks since I told Danny we'd talk. Truth be told I've kinda been avoiding that talk but thanks to finals it's been a bit easy. For all, I know he thinks I'm still mad, but truth be told I forgave him a few days after the whole Valerie thing, I know I still should be mad at him but I just can't, I think I've fallen in love with Danny...I was brought back out of my thoughts as the speaker on stage started her presentation. "Girls, do you dream of being a princess?" This blonde lady asks with a blue dress with some green scales.

According to dad, I'm still his little princess, none the less though while all the other girls were shouting yes, Sam and I said in unison "No." "Of wearing beautiful gowns in jewelry?" Only on special occasions, otherwise, the dresses you're talking about are a nuisance now that I'm a ghost hunter. Same as before all the girls shouted yes while Sam and I said "No." "Of charming that begalling special prince?"

My eyes flicker over to where Danny was supposed to be sitting and I started to wish I was helping him with the ghost but he had insisted he would take care of it. "And gag," Sam and I say doing the gagging motion while pointing our fingers at our mouth as she continued. "I'm Dora Madelin and I wanna make sure that dream comes true for one of you sweet young ladies!" She pulls a rope to her left as a sign came down that read: Miss Teenage Happy Princess Beauty Pageant. 

I stare at the sign in a bit of disgust and Sam does the same. "That's why I'm bringing my Miss Teenage Happy Princess Beauty Pageant right here to your school!" "I hate this more than I hate the rising sun," Sam mutters and I nod when Tucker asks:

"What's wrong with Beauty Pageants?" "Other than the fact that they turn girls into shallow doormats and boys into drooling idiots? Everything!" "And I don't see the point," I chime in rolling my eyes as Tucker tells us "But it's got a swimsuit competition!" Sam and I give each other a look knowing full well our point had just been proven. "I need a worthy and chivalrous night to select our princess," Dora said looking around the auditorium as every guy shot up from their seat waving their arms. 

"Aw man, Danny would love this! Where is he anyway?" Tucker asks looking at what was supposed to be his seat as I mumble "Doing something I'd rather be doing..." Outside the school, Danny was fighting a medieval ghost that kept swinging his ax while Danny kept dodging.

"Hey! If you needed something you should just ax! Get it? Ax!" A rope was thrown as Danny's feet were tied together as he was dragged back into the school. "Our princess must appeal to the masses so she shall be chosen by a common boy! Someone average and bland," Dora explains as she passes by Dash, Kwan, Mikey, and Tucker criticizing each one. "Too popular, too athletic, too nerdy, too-" "Handsome? Smart? Intelligent?"

Tucker interrupted her, hoping it would get him chosen before she said "Annoying," At this point Danny had been dragged to the stage, detransforming in the process as he slammed into the wood, catching Dora's eye. "Normal, dull, common- You! You're perfect!" Dora walks up helps Danny up as Dora's brother watched through her ring mumbling "Perfect indeed, a perfect pawn!" It had been official: Danny was going to be the judge for the beauty pageant and after the assembly suddenly girls were swarming Danny like flies to honey. "Hi, Danny!" They would call out in the halls.

While walking in the halls Paulina came up with a plate of cookies, stating "I baked some cookies for you~" "I did your math homework~" Star then but in with a whole stack of paper. At first, Danny tried to be professional about his new 'job' but of course... "Now ladies, you can't influence the judge with cookies and- Woah! Is this homework done all the way through the next semester?"

Star gives him an eager nod and he smiles saying "This pleases me," Dash suddenly comes up and lifts him by the shirt stating "Hey Fentoyd it's only been two hours and I'm already tired of you hogging all the hotties!" With a snap of his finger, all the girls started to gang up on Dash, forcing him to let Danny go. "This is like a dream! Every girl wants to date us!" Tucker exclaimed happily. "Us?" Danny asks with a smirk and Tuck explains. "Hey, as judge's best pal, I'm entitled to a little spillover."

He takes out his PDA to look at the name of a girl before turning to said girl asking "Wanna go out uh...Ashley?" "Yeah right!" She scoffs when Tuck tells her: "Judge's best friend~" This changed her mood immediately. "Pick you up at seven?" "Seven," Tucker says giving Danny a smirk. "Tucker, you can have all the ladies, you know there's only one girl I want," A smile appears on his face as a certain (h/c) haired girl entered his thoughts. "Cool! Then that means I should be free around nine for-" He cuts himself off when he sees two familiar names and Danny looks to see them too as they both ask in unison "(y/n)?! Sam?!"

 "Yes, (y/n) and Sam, we signed up for the stupid pageant," Sam says rolling her eyes as almost everyone in the hallway gasps while Danny and Tucker burst out laughing. "What is this April Fools Day?" Danny asks and Tucker chimes in with "Yeah, you two hate this contest!" "We're not doing it to win, we're doing it to make a statement," I say crossing my arms while Sam pulls Tucker's hat over his head.

Author: I had forgotten about earlier because the last two chapters I had uploaded I was also on a Zoom meeting helping a friend with school work but thank you to smutreader34 for the idea of the conversation between Danny and (y/n) in the last episode on the ops center a.k.a the nice moment Dash ruined and here is another great piece of fanart by TheLunarAssassin

a the nice moment Dash ruined and here is another great piece of fanart by TheLunarAssassin

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