Chapter 9 - Kai

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She was still wearing her clothes from the night before. I had never ever seen her in anything but loose baggy sweats. Damn! She looked amazing in them, even with the bloody stains on her jeans. That fact had pissed me off too, why the hell did she look this fucking good. Her hair was a sheet of black hair so shiny and her face, fuck. It was blinding.

I suddenly thought if she were gone from this world, the sun would shine less.

"C'mon, baby, up you get." I said almost carrying her off the floor while I stood, "What are you doing..?" Her voice was still small and unsure. Deep down I was thrilled she was here. Happy she was even talking to me, looking at me. Let alone letting me touch her. She'd said she was fine with me touching her. Why did that make me so fucking happy?

"How long do you want to sit on the floor? I can't have you sleeping on the floor, Princess." I said giving her a smirk. "I both like and hate when you do that." She said, immediately clamping down on her lower lip. I smiled. "I both like and hate when you do that." I said, she immediately stopped biting her lip. "I could bite it for you." I said, knowing she was getting irritated with me. She scowled at me.

I looked down at her mouth. I just wanted to kiss her. She had a perfectly shaped arched, pouty set of such kissable lips, fuck and I wanted to bite that bottom lip so bad.

Fuck, what the hell was I thinking. "I'll grab you something comfier," I said. Needing the loo first. I finished up and took a peek at my face, it looked way better than before. She'd taped it so neat and clean, had she stopped for tapes? I knew I didn't have those tapes here at home. Fuck. I remembered her getting me in the shower to wash off and helping me out my clothes. She'd even dried my hair. Damn it. That got me. I walked out to the closet. Damn, she was the first girl I'd even brought back home. Well, technically she had driven my drunk ass home, but still.

"Kai, I am not sleeping in the same bed with you." She said folding her arms, "Why not? I don't bite." I threw back at her, she smirked. "Plus, the beds big enough for both of us." I said rummaging in my closet. I found her one of my loose night t-shirts and threw it to her. She stared at it for a minute. Then she just shook her head. She walked to the bath and shut the door, then she came out wearing only my shirt and my heart throbbed. Shit. Fuck. This was the first time I had ever seen her legs. Damn. I could not get over her legs.

She was so effortlessly beautiful, she was quite possibly the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and she didn't even know it. And she was the most unbelievable person I had ever met. I didn't know another person that would've done what she's done for me tonight and she barely knew me.

She got in the bed at the very edge and turned away and I frowned, really? Here was a girl lying in my bed for the first time ever. And after every thing she had done for me, she was completely ignoring me, why? Cuz you're an asshole and she knows it. Had she believed Nicole? Had she bought the crap that asshole was fucking selling her?

I moved to the center of the bed, "Kai." She warned. I ignored her, it was a dick move. But I just wanted her near me. Holding her against my body at the party was like a jigsaw fitting, it had felt so perfect. 

"Ella." I answered, "come here, please." I put my arm around her and pulled her in close. She hummed. Fuck. That sound. Why did she fit next to me like this. I knew I was in deep, I'd known it for a while. But now I knew how deep. I wondered what happened when she was touched, I asked, "It's different with different people, usually I have a panic attack or hyperventilate, I don't know." She said. But she wasn't having one now. I smiled.

So, she wasn't seeing either of them. She wasn't into anyone, she couldn't be, seeing as how she was in group. I should have guessed. She barely lifted her head off her knees to look around. It was a bloody miracle I was there early that day. The fact that she spoke to me had stunned the shit out of me. I had felt like shit for not helping her when she was throwing up after. But what she said shook me so hard. I sat on the wall there paralysed. Hearing her retch and throw up.

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