Chapter 60 - Kai

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Ella was out of it, I was upset at having Mel there to dampen the damn mood, especially when she was having such a good time and at a time that we were so happy. She was fast asleep on me, I held her, checking my phone. My mum had texted. She had finally gotten help and was now seeing a therapist weekly.

Not sure that would be enough to cure the crazy, but I looked down at Ella and she really was the reason for it happening at all. I had picked up her boots from inside the house before we left. And I pulled her down on to my lap so she could lay down instead of lean on me. She snuggled her face into my stomach. Owens words clanked around in my head. Why was I thinking about this? Worst case she had Mare and Rob and Owen, she would be ok right? Damn it, I was getting in my head again. Why the hell was I was overthinking shit that might never happen.

Her phone chimed and I pulled it from her jacket pocket to check, it was Cal, what the fuck? Were all my friends texting her now?

Hey Stel, you in school tom? I knew they were just looking out for her. I felt better. And annoyed. It was irrational. I was an idiot; I fully knew that.

She's asleep, Cal, yeah, she's in school tomorrow.

Cool, bro, tell her to come sit with us at the usual, does she want one of us in history like last time?  What fucking last time? Who sat with her in history? I knew nothing about this.

who sat with her?

Lou. She didn't ask, he just wanted to make sure she would be alright. Right. Why hadn't she told me? I knew nothing about this. But they were all convinced like Rob, most of the school wanted in her fucking pants. Fuck. I needed to be there, I should be the damn one looking out for her.

 I'm sure it's fine. But I'll check with her.

Alright, K, see you next week.

See ya, mate. Take it easy. And thank you.

Anytime, man. And I always do. I laughed.  Cal was older than all of us he was 31 and Brig was the youngest, same as Ella.

We were home, I thanked Evans and carried her in. I laid her down on the bed in her clothes. I took our bedding and our night clothes and drew a bath upstairs where I could actually fucking fit in the tub with her. I waited till it filled less than halfway and added some shit Ella called bath salts. I carried her up, "Ella? Baby wake up, we're home." I kissed her face.

She woke up, "Why are we up here?" She smiled.

"Because I can actually, finally fucking carry you up the stairs without having a stroke." I smiled wide; she laughed, swinging her legs "What's going on in there?" she asked pointing a foot to the running water eyebrows raised.

"Just get naked, please." she didn't need telling twice, I had to make sure the water wasn't very full because she couldn't get her piercings wet. She sat between my legs and I was giving her shoulders a bit of a rub, I could feel the stress. She let out a long breath and sighed hard.

"Oh, I really needed this, thank you, Kai. I feel busted."

I kissed her shoulder, "I know baby. Shall I ask Rosa to move our stuff back here tomorrow?" She turned to me, "Are you sure you're ok to manage going up and down?" I nodded. "I feel like that room makes me feel crankier." She nodded, "Ok, you know I'm the easy going one, not the raging pain in the ass." I bit her cheek, she laughed. I fully knew that. She never complained about anything.

She kissed me. "I love you."

I kissed her back, moving my hands off her shoulders to pull her back further, my hands traveled below her breasts, she leaned her head back against my chest, and she looked up at me. I dipped my head and kissed her. 

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