Chapter 56 - Ella /Kai

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Kai and I both looked like death. We were so sleep deprived. We showered together and I blew out my hair in soft curls. He kissed me long and hard till I was reeling. I cleaned his surgery wound and we ate breakfast as quick as we could.

I had to drop him off at work and head to school. Rob wasn't going to be in school today, he was at work with Kai. Which was a bummer, I needed to ask him something. I needed to see Brig. I maybe should ask for their numbers. Would that upset Kai?

I wore jeans and a tank with a sweater, with a long beige over coat that was warm, a mustard scarf and knee high flat boots. It was cold out. I knew his birthday was on the 20th which was soon. Maybe I shouldn't have delayed it this long. But it had taken me forever to decide what to get him. I had a chat with Smith about it as well to free up some money from my accounts.

"Did you know about Rob and James?" He asked while we drove to his office, this was the first time I had ever been here. He hadn't been either since he was in hospital.

"Hmm, yes, so, I knew they were planning on going out last week, but I didn't know how much of a thing it was. Rob just said they'd been hanging out."

"Ella!!! And you kept that from me?" He turned up the heating in the car and stared at me.

"Baby, I really forgot, between the scans and hospital visits and planning the dinner. I'm sorry."

"Is it serious?" He asked.

"Well, maybe a 4 on a scale of 10. So far at least." He nodded smiling.

"Why are you so curious?"

"Because it's Rob, and I have never seen him with a date. Screwing around sure, but I'm not sure what this is, and I want to make his life hell." I laughed. He looked so good, smiling a crooked smile.

"You are the worst."

"I know, I can't just let him live it down if he is finally fucking seeing someone." He smirked. I laughed again. "I can ask him." I offered. He beamed. "Yes. Tell me what the wanker says."

"Your British is very pronounced when it comes to talking to or about Rob."

"Ha, I know, it's cuz we're the only ones that can cuss each other out without it being too obvious." I smiled, shaking my head.

"You look too good to be in school, baby." He said.

"Babe, it's cold out." I protested.

"I know but you look too good. And I'm upset I'm not going with you."

"You are welcome to come back to school anytime you want, you know this."

"I will from next week. I do have a ton to make up for. I'll do a few extra hours when I can. Luckily, I'm not in fucking history, I don't know how you can still want to study that shit."

"Kai, you are such a brat."

"Never said I wasn't."

"Also, it will be the first time we're in school together in forever." He said. It struck me as wild. We hadn't been seen together apart from the incident with Noah and the half day he was in school when we first started dating. It seemed mad to me.

"Oh shit. Has it really been that long?" He nodded.

"I'll see you at 4? Do you want to go to the mall for your sweats after?" I asked.

"Sounds good. Do you want to go check cars after?"

"Not yet, I'm still loving this one." I said.

"Baby, we'll still keep this one, it's almost brand new, you can use it. I'll get a new one for when I can drive." I shook my head.

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