Chapter 51 - Ella/Kai

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I walked to class pulling sections of my hair to the front over the million hickeys to cover them further, but to be honest I don't know why I cared. What difference would it make if anyone saw them? Was I trying to hide I was with him? That would be ridiculous. Then I felt bad about covering them up with concealer. Maybe I would use the wash room and remove it.

I sat in the back, in an isle seat, opening up my notes I had barely glanced over yesterday, seeing as I couldn't sleep. I hadn't been sleeping well the whole week. And I didn't want to wake him. I was a bit glad he understood I couldn't play for anyone, it was just for me. When I was in my head too much or when I remembered something or a fragment of something. But I also felt like shit because it was a thing I couldn't share with him. But I wasn't going to tell him that, he seemed upset as it was.

Noah walked to the front of the class smiling at me, as usual. I smiled back. The class started in ten minutes and was done in an hour and half.

I was out. Checking my watch, I had some time before I left to visit Mare. Maybe I would sit around and go through some of this. I knew I'd barely have the time at home with Kai, and he liked to spend the day with me out back or on the couch. I was so lost in though and didn't even know Noah was calling me.

Noah called my name louder, I turned to see him jogging up to me, I smiled.

"Hey, great class. That was honestly pretty good" I tucked my windblown hair behind my ear.

He smiled. "You think so?" I nodded, "yeah for sure."

He nodded, "Thank god, I thought it might be too boring or be an info dump and I wasn't spacing myself out enough." He sounded winded just saying that sentence.

"No, I thought it was great, yeah it did have a lot of info, but I think it was alright, and interesting. I was just going to go over it now. I have a bit of time before I head back."

"Oh, I can sit with you to sort that out, if you're ok with that, I'd be happy to give you my perspective behind my interpretations and opinions."

"Oh really? Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks. I just need to run to the rest room, I'll be back in a jiff."

"Cool, I'll wait here." I nodded and left. I pulled out a bunch of paper towels and wet them, removing the concealer as best could and voila, one chomped on neck coming right up. I did however, pull sections of my hair down the front to cover them. And pull the collar my jacket to make sure my hair didn't fly everywhere. I used the loo and was out..

I sat at a bench on the front lawn across the street. I sat down crossing my legs, shoving my dress between them to cover up and spread out my notes. He stood next to me with his notes in his hands. And we chatted about the class and I pointed out why this and that. And he showed me sections on what he had written and why he thought what he did about the works we had discussed. We usually covered about 10 works in class but today there had been 30, it really was a lot but expressionism was a lengthy topic and I'm sure we'd have a hundred more slides to look into. It was nice to be able to have a bit of a study buddy even it was the Professor's aide. My phone chimed. Only person it could be.

I apologised and checked it. Kai.

Hi baby, how was class? What time do you want us at the hospital?  

Was Rob already there? I checked the time it was only 11:30, I had managed to catch the early class.

Hi babe, how are you feeling? Class was fine, going over notes of it with Noah, around 2 at the hospital?

Why, my love, do you need to go over notes with anyone?

Class was pretty hardcore and a lot more confusing than usual, Noah was teaching it and he offered to help out.

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