Chapter 26 - Ella

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I was ready in a pair of black sweats and black hoodie and converses when Rob showed up. My hair was up in a knot.

"Hello sweet cheeks!" he said leaning in, he air kissed both my cheeks. I just looked at him. I could fucking do this. He was like Kai's brother. I couldn't not hug him. I took a nervous step forward and hugged him. He was still for 5 seconds, waiting to see if I'd have a reaction, then he crushed me in a hug. I was thrilled to be able to touch him.

"Hi Handsome!" I said. He barked a laugh, "Don't let Kai hear you say that...he's been in my shadow for too long it will just make the ugly duckling more insecure." I laughed so hard.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Rob." I said. He pulled back holding my arms and actually kissed my cheeks. My face heated, I knew it was red and he laughed.

"Lala, it is so good to finally meet you." he held my shoulders, I blushed harder. He was calling me Lala, it was so cute.

"Do you prefer Rob or Mark?" I asked.

"Ro, I feel like has a ring to it, like Lala. What do you think?" he smiled and it was beaming and beautiful. "Yup, I like that."

I strapped in, and looked at him, he had a thinking face on.

"So, let's see, this place is pretty classy, classier than most places, I only managed a reservation through the foundation, and we'll be meeting one client but, enough about that, I figure you look fab in anything. I mean I could wrap you in a gunny sack and you'll still look better than most sluts. Not that I'm calling you a slut." he rambled on, it was so amusing and wonderful and calming to be in his presence. He paid me too many compliments, had me blushing all the time and said the most horrifically true things like he didn't give a fuck. And I loved him for that. He absolutely had no filter.

"I really can't believe you're real and dating my boy and I never thought anyone would match up but you, he hit the jackpot with you sweet pea...."

I blushed, "Thanks, I guess."

"You guess? Do you know how many slags I've had to throw off him on the regular? Even when I tell them he has a girl. Shameless and disgusting. Chicago was a fucking nightmare when we went out for drinks. I mean it's probably his tortured artist thing isn't it, doesn't help one bit that he looks like he does, like Cillian fucking Murphy."

"Oh my god, yes, he is such a Shelby." I said realising it was so true.

"Isn't he? I knew you'd get it. But sadly, that's all anyone ever sees."

I knew exactly what he meant I had said the same thing to Nicole.

We chatted on the way and finally went to a couple of fancy stores, Rob had taste. I told him I'd called Nicole a shallow tramp at the bon fire and he laughed hysterically.

We searched a million dresses, Rob wasn't happy with any of them. I was fine with the first one I got but "no, no you need more. I'm charging K anyway." he said, and I held his hand. "No Ro, I'll pay for them. Please don't charge his card – did he ask you to?"

"Yeah of course." He said it like it was so normal. And that upset me. I shook my head no.

"I won't buy anything and I mean anything if I'm not paying. I can't let him do this for me, he's done too much already." I said, my voice was soft and serious.

Rob looked at me a long minute, "You really don't care about his money, do you? Or his name?"

I looked confused. "What do you mean his money and name? Why would I care about those things?" I asked frowning. "Because everyone does." he replied sadly.

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