Chapter- 74 Kai

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We drove home. I was having the best fucking time. I didn't know what awaited me at home. She made me stop well before we turned to the house road and she drove. And made me cover my eyes. "Baby, don't peek. Promise?", "Promise." I covered my eyes and put my head down to make her happy. She drove up to the house. "Keep'em closed please." I nodded.

"Now?", "No baby. Wait. Not till I tell you, ok?" She opened her door and got out, then came over to my side and asked me to still keep them closed, she helped me out the car and to the front door. Then she opened the front door and I still waited. She pulled me in and said "ok open." I did, to a loud and completely ruckus noise.

Oh, my fucking god, what the fuck was happening? "SURPRISE!!!!!!" Fuck! what!

There were so many people, in our house. Fuck. Everyone we knew well enough from work and school and Owen and Shawn and his wife. The house didn't look like the house. It had one poker table, one black jack, one roulette and a pool table, our furniture was moved, I guess into the guest room. Fuck! Rosa was here smiling, so the food and booze was all her, oh no wonder she was here!!!! Fuck. I'd been played. Ella said she'd be back, I turned to her, she was grinning like mad. She kissed my cheek. "Happy birthday, baby!"

Fuck!! How could this be a day in my life? I knew she and Rob had planned this. She disappeared up the stairs. I got hugged and thumped by the guys and kissed by the ladies. It was too much.

There were about 25 people here. It was madness. And I wanted Ella by my side, I needed her. Rob asked about the car, so did Cal and Lou, I tossed them the clicker. Though I was thinking twice about it.

I was reeling. Fuck. I had once told her I played some pool and poker. So this was one of the things I mentioned once? What was the other she'd mentioned? Fuck. How thoughtful could one person be. They started me off with birthday shots... Oh I had to pace myself. I couldn't be wasted. I needed to be able to give her some heaven when this was done, cuz that's all I could think about right now. 

Rob had hired professional dealers for the tables. Fucking nuts...! Why did I know he'd organised it, while she'd paid for all of this. There was a whole buffet section against one wall, and a whole bar organised next to it. Unbelievable. I told them to get back to it and it was fucking great to see everyone and I'd just wash up and be back. I thanked Rob, he only hugged me, telling me it was all her. I still said I appreciated it, he handed me her card to give back to her, as did Rosa.

Most of the boys went out to inspect the car. The office guys who didn't know stayed at the tables. The party continued downstairs. I ran upstairs to find my girl and she was just walking out from the closet, and I almost flat lined.

Ella was wearing a black full sleeved dress with a slit that rivaled her green one. If I were a heart patient with her around it would be troubling times. But fuck me dead. Her zipper was still undone. Like she knew I'd be here to do it up for her. She smiled wide. "Are you ok, babe?"

I nodded. "Kai?" I shook my head, because I couldn't speak. She was so fucking fabulous. "Kai? Babe?" I wordlessly walked over and zipped her up, her hair was loose and curled and she was in high, high, high emerald heels I had never seen, where did she keep finding these? Her toes were painted black, and I just wanted to suck on them. Damn. She was almost as tall as I was. "Baby, can you really walk in those?" She looked offended. "Of course, I can, I'll take them off when I get a bit tipsy.... or I'm going to fall or break an ankle or my neck." I nodded not finding any of that funny.

"You, ok?" She asked hands on my face. I kissed her lifting her up by her waist and walked her into the bath. Had she lost some weight. I told her that, she said it was from the stress of keeping shit from me, I laughed. She really didn't like keeping things from me and I was so chuffed to know that. You could actually see a bit of the bedroom from down stairs and I didn't want anyone seeing this.

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