Chapter 50 - Kai/ Ella

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Ella'd been going to class and coming straight back after the whole week. I was asleep most of the time. She either worked on her paper or played on her Xbox when I was sleeping. I could hear her cussing and clicking away. It made me smile. My face was looking so much better after 3 whole weeks. The swelling was gone and my head didn't feel as heavy.

I was so sick of this damn wheelchair. I managed to hold the railing out back and walk around most mornings. I managed alright. And was actually happy I could walk around with support. We'd have to be at Mare's surgery tomorrow. I was looking forward to seeing her. We'd texted on and off the whole week. She was glad I was doing better.

I woke up at the sound. It took me a bit to process through the haze of the meds. There was music. I reached out and Ella wasn't in bed. I was so drowsy. But I couldn't stop listening to the sound of a violin. I guessed. Ella. Was she playing? I checked the time, it was 2.

Why wasn't she asleep. Maybe she'd had a night terror. And I was too knocked out these days to notice. I felt like shit. Was being in this room bothering her? I knew she wouldn't say anything even if it did.

I got out of bed and picked up the cane and stood, making my way out the room, she had closed the back door. Maybe she didn't want to wake me. What was happening?

I saw her standing there, facing the wall and playing, I stood mesmerised. Fuck. What? I limped closer, she was playing an unfamiliar song with her phone playing the some back ground music on the table. I stood by the door. Just listening. Oh my god, she was amazing, my eyes were misting up, the hair on my whole body stood, I had the fucking chills listening to her play.

What the hell was happening? How had I never asked her about this, how had she never brought it up? She sounded like a pro. The wind blew my shirt that she was wearing, and her long hair was swaying this way and that. It was like watching a fucking video at night. I limped closer.

Then the song changed and she walked over to pause it. Then there was a soft musical and she placed the violin back under her chin, and she continued to the next one. How had I never asked. Shit just seemed to happen and maybe she was at peace today or she was having a bad time. I didn't know what caused her to play music. How could I not know? We'd been together 3 months. How could I not fucking know about this?

It was a Queen song, she was doing a violin acapella version and it was the most fucking beautiful thing I had ever heard. I sat on the stairs, behind the back yard door, at the foot of the stairs. And just listened.

Maybe this had something to do with her not liking being looked at or watched. It was the only explanation for why she hadn't told me. I wondered what other talents she had hidden from me. Did Rob know this about her? I would be upset if he did.

She finished the song and the next one started and she sang and hummed along softly with the voice on her phone in a language I didn't understand. What?

But I couldn't believe what I was hearing or looking at.

This was Ella. My Ella, who looked like a damn supermodel. Singing and playing violin in the middle of the night in my shirt, out in our back yard in a foreign language apart from French. How many languages did she know? Or did she just know what the lyrics sounded like?

My heart broke for her. She was the best, kindest, most loving person. And now I found out she was so talented and that it was something she couldn't share with the world let alone me because of how broken she was. So clearly, it related to her fucked up parents. Fuck. I wanted to break something. I remembered her telling me not to break her violin. I hadn't at all taken it seriously then. How often did she do this? Had she done it when I was in the hospital?

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