Chapter 39 - Ella/Kai

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I woke up with the worst head ache the next day. And my mouth tasted like something died in there. There were at least 13 bottles of beer on the table and the tv was still on. I checked the time, it was 5 am. I trudged out back and then hauled the recycling bin in and threw out all the bottles. At some point I had even taken a few shots of Kai's whiskey. Good lord.

I put that one back in the bar. And hauled the rest out back. Then, I promptly went to the loo and threw up forever and ever. I lay my head down on the cool tiles. I didn't want to move. I somehow managed to get out of my clothes and slither under the cold shower almost yelping at the temperature.

Then, I wore a fresh shirt and went back down, took 2 aspirin and went back to bed. I woke up at noon to my phone chiming.

It was Kai.

Hi baby girl.


You, ok?

I feel like death.

That bad huh? Has the bar survived?

Oh god, don't remind me. And yes, I think the bar is still alive. But I think I'm still drunk

That's possible, Rosa thinks you're a trucker in a doll's body.

I'm certainly glad you don't have sexual preferences.



lol, yes, my love?

I think I'm dying.

Hair of the dog it, sweetheart.


yes, my love?

What's a hair of the dog?

Have another beer or a bloody mary or two and you'll be right as rain. With some food, then sleep, you'll be ok when you wake up.

Have much experience?

Oh, you don't know the half of it.

Is this a real thing?

Of course, it is, I would never lie to my dying girlfriend.

I don't know how you get your kicks.

You know exactly.

Gutter mouth

Only you would know.

Thank you for that honor, Ok now I have to go and die, I'll call you in a bit ok, are you ok, baby?

I am now.

"Rooooossssaaaaa" I moaned.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can you make me a bloody Mary? Kai says I should drink one or ten to help with the hang over."

"Of course, darling. Come on down when you're ready. You need cheese and some alcohol." she said, I groaned, I think I might have fallen asleep again for a few minutes. I literally slithered off the bed and was tempted to crawl to the stairs. But made myself stand up and go down.

"Come sit out back, get some fresh air." I did as I was told.

Rosa was the best person in the world, she put out a small cheese and charcuterie board out for me and a pitcher of Bloody Mary. She poured herself a glass as well and sat down with me.

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