Chapter 69 Ella/Kai

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I just couldn't understand how he could look so fucking good. He hated the tux but I was totally digging it. I would have been happy to stay home and go all night. Damn. He looked so hot.

I texted Evans to pick us up, Kai had driven. He had asked if I was wearing a jacket, I had only raised an eyebrow and he shook his head. "You know Norway is colder." I said. He shook his head. "I cannot understand you sometimes."

"What? why?" He was holding me close; arm around my waist, even that did things to me. We walked to the rec center. I was nervous for some reason; it would be full of the master's program faculty and investors and what not. I felt like I didn't belong maybe because I had been a shadow in class for a year nearly. I was sure no one would know me. His voice shook me out.

"Ella, you eat hot, hot spicy food and don't get cold and you are huge nerd and you are just.... too perfect. It's like I look at you sometimes and I forget how to breathe." I could feel my face heat. Didn't he get I felt the same way? I needed him to know that. "Baby, I feel exactly the same way when I look at you." I said kissing his cheek. He hugged me tighter shaking his head, a small smile peeked out. He knew he was too good looking for his own good. I didn't get why he was with me. The nerves started getting to me the closer we got. I knew he could feel me shake. And he knew it wasn't the cold.

"Baby, you're ok. Just breathe." He stopped in front of me, pulling my face up. "Ella, breathe, baby. I'm right here." I nodded. "You're ok, my love, I've got you." I nodded again just trying to fucking relax. Fuck, why was I such a train wreck.

"I'm ok, sorry." He pulled my face up again. "Ella, you are not going to apologise for this, get me?" His face was serious. I nodded again. He hugged me tight, I just stood there for a few minutes breathing. Grateful for his arms around me. I felt ok after a bit, "I'm ok, Kai." He nodded, kissed my head, saying nothing. And we silently walked up the steps. He clutched me tighter, but I was ok with the death grip. He knew I needed it.

Rob had outdone himself, the place was barely recognisable. It looked like a bloody forest with huge patches of moss and real trees indoors. It was magical. I gasped. There was band playing and some standing tables and some sitting. With a long bar counter and a buffet going. People were dancing and drinking and eating and mingling.

"Oh Rob!!" I said, "Fuck." Was Kai's expression.

"Mr. Walker!!" Said a guy at the doors. "Luke! Good to see you, Mate. I see Rob's roped you into the madness. Ella, this is Luke, Luke, Ella." I smiled wide in hi, I couldn't get my hands to move to shake his. "Luke's the new Ashlyn." He said I nodded. "Is Anne here as well?" He asked. Luke smiled, he was kinda cute. "She'll be the train wreck with the mouth piece and clipboard." He said. Kai laughed, explaining who Anne was. I felt bad for her immediately, the poor thing.

He clapped Luke on the back and we headed in. "I feel bad for whoever this Anne is." I said, Kai laughed. "I promise we pay well." He said, I laughed. "Not sure anything would be enough compensation to be Rob's assistant." Kai laughed harder and lo and behold, a very stressed-out girl in a pretty black gown ran back and forth like a crazy person. I looked sideways and stared at him; he was trying hard to hide a grin. "Et Voila. Et tu disais?" I said, shaking my head, he grinned harder. He didn't ask me what I said. I think my tone said it all.

There were a ton of people milling about. We stood there for a few minutes. Mostly everyone nodded, shook hands or stopped by to say hi to Kai. A bunch of women came over to kiss his cheeks. Some of them gave him a look. I said nothing. I didn't ask him who they were. I, maybe knew or had a feeling. I was so grateful he didn't try to introduce me to anyone, he knew I couldn't deal. This was the first time I was out with him at an art related thing. And it hit me how strange this was. He was still just Kai to me. 

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