Chapter 59 - Kai

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We all finally sat down at the large ass picnic table drinking our beers. Everyone chatted, I pulled her closer to me, I was feeling the sudden need to stick to her. She looked up at me, she knew something was up. She always did. She put her legs over mine under the table and I closed my eyes for a few seconds holding and rubbing my hands up and down them, trying to calm myself. 

She gave me a long kiss on the cheek. "You're ok, Kai, look at me." I did. "You're ok, Baby." She said again, I nodded shaking myself out. I had just fucking proposed to her, I couldn't be thinking this shit now. We were here and happy, I couldn't control the future. So fuck it. I kissed her head. "I'm ok, sorry." She smiled at me, nudging me. 

Ella didn't touch the gigantic plate of Honey glazed ribs Owen finally put on the table, they were bloody delicious. "Eat up, suckas." He said we all laughed.

'You're missing out." I said, she made a face. Everyone was moaning at how good this shit was. Ella just downed her beer and popped open another one. She was making idle conversation with Amelia. 

Letting me just gorge on the sweet sticky ribs. Her legs were still on me. She specialized in turning her body perfectly to face people even with her legs on me, even though I thought it might be painful or awkward for her. She'd said it wasn't when I asked her after Nico's. Weirdly bendy was right, I knew all about how bendy she was after that night. Damn. 

I had to stop thinking about this now. She turned and looked at me, like she knew I was thinking about it. How did she know? She smirked. I smirked back. She poked her tongue inside her cheek popping it out the side when no one was looking. She was being a cheeky fucker.

"Ella." I warned. She grinned hard. Damn, I was getting hard. She moved her legs to cover my crotch pitching a tent, Thank fuck.

"Special order coming in." Owen announced, putting a big plate of hot wings in front of Ella. Who gave him the biggest smile. They didn't look as intimidating, everyone was curious, "Oh, no. You guys don't want to go anywhere near there, she's weird like that." He said she smiled at him. But everyone took one of her wings.

"Cash on the table first, boys." She said. We all put down 20s. Owen shook his head at her, laughing. He was holding tongs and wearing a striped apron that said 'Hot stuff coming through.'

Two bites into the wings and everyone was almost in tears. I guzzled my beer and took another from the cooler. Holy shit these were spicy. I could feel the heat crawl up my back, fuck, my eyes were watery. And my nose ran. Oh fuck! 

Ella was eating hers without a blink, smiling at the rest of us. Once she was done with the remaining four. She wiped her mouth, licked her fingers clean, and pocketed all the cash laughing at the rest of us dying with Owen. 

"Easiest 80 bucks I've ever made." She said, Owen laughed with her, just shaking his head at us for not listening. Every one complained. Jesus, it was still hitting me, my mouth pooled with saliva... Oh God.

"Oh god!! It has an after burn." I coughed, she rubbed my back laughing.

"Oh my god, I think I'm dying. Oh fuck it's on my lips, why is this food?" James whined.

"Is this taste bud hell? I was saving them for later." Rob said, Ella cracked up. He wanted to laugh with her but he was more crying. "Oh Rob!" She cracked up again. He winked at her. Maybe If I gave him spicy wings the next time he was over they wouldn't be able to act like possessed children. He'd be too busy crying.

"Fuck, I think I killed every taste bud in my mouth." Lance looked like he wanted to puke.

She was still laughing at all of us with Owen who shrugged. "I told you guys to steer clear, she likes her food hot." That was a fucking understatement.

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