Chapter 61 - Kai

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"I am not looking forward to doing interviews Rob. Fuck."

"I know, Smith texted, telling me. Annabelle will be there, so just sit down and don't say anything. You'll be fine. Also, I need to speak to the dean about the fund raiser this afternoon, we could head to school if you want to surprise her at lunch." That sounded great.

I sat in the board room before the interviews, Annabelle wanted to go over roles and responsibilities so she would know what was expected of each of them, that seemed about right. Rob and I told her what we kinda needed, I just basically went over what ash did for me, and hopefully this new one would know a bit more to answer some basic inane emails instead of me. And didn't want any calls directly at my desk unless it was Ella or Rob. They could all go through the assistant. All I basically said was I wanted not to be bothered as much as possible, unless it was unavoidable or I had asked for something. Annabelle was smart and caught on quick. "Say no more." she said smiling.

And we went through one after another interview, thankfully Rob was right, I didn't have to say anything, I sat way at the back and didn't pay anyone much attention. Her and Smith took on most of the questioning. We managed to hire three interns and two assistants, mine was a smart bloke named Luke and Rob's seemed like a competent nervous wreck called Anne, but she knew her stuff, they both did. They said they could start Monday. Perfect. Then I was done, "okay great." I said leaving the room and heading back to my office.

I answered a ton of board emails on the purchase of the new gallery, I buzzed collections and asked Michelle and David what they genuinely thought about the art and if they thought it was worth buying. They both agreed there were three pieces worth something and the rest was shit. I thanked them hanging up and got back to it answering Louis about the art.

It was a bit to Ella's lunch hour, Rob popped his head in, "You ready to go?' I nodded shutting down my screen. We were in Rob's car. Rosa called about the organiser - it was almost done ,  and contractor and said they could sort it out the bath in two weeks. I said alright. And to send me the plan for the bath downstairs.

We parked. Rob went straight to the Dean's office, I went and sat at our usual table, with my phone, checking fucking emails again, Luke couldn't start soon enough. Fuck, I hated this. I didn't want to run a fucking company. All I had been doing the last few weeks was answering emails and putting out fires and it pissed me off.

5 minutes later, the boys joined me, giving me hugs and thumping my shoulders. Fuck it was good to be back here. They asked when I would be back and I said next Monday. Lou and I had a few classes together, Cal and I shared two classes but Brig was only here for his digital masters so we barely saw him except for during breaks. Brig put out a box and a bottle of vitamin c water on the table next to me, "What's that?" I asked.

"Chili's lunch. It's her usual." He was calling her Chili? Seriously? They knew what she ate for lunch? Since when did she like vitamin water? What the fuck? I opened it to see a spicy meatball sub, oh yum. I was going to take a bite.. "Oh no, Man, she gets the extra spicy version. You might not wanna touch that." Cal said. I sniffed it and could smell the spice."Yeah, exactly." Brig raised his eyes brows. Why did they know this about her? But I had decided to try and not over react about her chilling with the boys, I knew I had nothing to worry about, I knew she would never do anything to upset me and I had implicit faith in her and neither would they. But it still sat in my head.

We chatted about what's been going on here and I told them I gave her a ring. They thumped my back some more. "About damn time." Brig said.

Cal nodded, "Happy for ya dude, Stel's a keeper."

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