Chapter 14 - Kai

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"Kai, I'm sorry." She said again, I kissed her face again. "I know you're angry and I will pay you back, ok. I'm so sorry." She thought I cared about the money. How little she knew me.

I leaned in close to her, "Oh Baby, I'm gonna get you to pay be back, in installments, I promise." I said. "Shut your dirty mouth, Kai." She said shocked, Mel giggled. I was in a better mood. Just being around her did that to me.

When we finally got there. Owen I assumed opened the front door and walked out, he gave me an exasperated knowing look, smiling at both of them. I knew he wanted to talk. I nodded. I carried Ella up the drive way and into the house. "She's upstairs Kai, second door to the left." Mel half slurred.

"Baby we had the craziest time." I heard Mel telling her husband. I carried my very silent girl up and into her room. It was so messy, I smiled. She had a ton of books and papers strewn everywhere. There were post its stuck to almost every surface in her god awful handwriting. She wrote like a child in small crimpy letters. Like her hand couldn't keep up with her mind, that only made me smile more.

In the corner was a violin case, did she play? I plopped her down on the bed as she sat there looking at me still silent. I worked my way to her closet to find her night clothes. I found my t-shirt from the first time she'd stayed over, neatly folded on top, along with a few of my other clothes she'd been wearing the last few days. And surprise shot through me, she had kept it? Stolen more like, since she never intended on giving this one back.

"So, you just decided that saving souvenirs from one-night stands was a new hobby?" I asked showing her my shirt. Her cheeks turned pink.

"I've never had a one-night stand." She said, smiling. And damn if she didn't look beautiful.

"And you never will." I ground out. Just thinking of the possibility, had my hands shaking holding the shirt..."Swear to god, Ella, if another person sees you naked, I will lose my shit.", She smiled, "Kai, no one else is going to see me naked."

"Well, technically you've never had a one night stand." I smiled. She smiled back slightly drunk, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"Why did you take it?" I asked. She was here and smiling at me, and I knew I wasn't going to let go. We'd been together a week. And I had missed her for half of that. Was I really going to let 50k and an cheating, asshole ex fuck things up even before we really tried? I didn't think so. Also, she was the most beautiful person ever. And she was all mine.

"It smells like you." Fuck! I really needed to keep it in my pants, not in the fucking uncle's house. Damn it, should have taken her home to mine. Was that how she knew it was me holding her and kissing her?

"Does it?" She nodded a sleepy smile.

"And what were you planning to do, never wash it?" She scrunched her nose, it was damn cutest thing I had ever seen. I kissed her nose.

I found some very short shorts too, they would barely cover her bottom. 'What the fuck is the damn purpose of these, they're not even functional?" I asked. She smirked.

It was a nightmare getting her changed. She squirmed like she was standing on hot coals. Also A; her clothes were tight and didn't come off easy, B: because she was all curves and pale skin the color of moonlight, all I wanted to do was just stay there and lick her body till my mouth was numb. Once she was dressed in my shirt and those shorts, I knew I had to speak with her uncle.

"Where you going?"

"I think I need a beer and a chat with Owen." She nodded sombrely. "Everything is ok, baby, there was no way for you to know and he won't ever bother you again, ok?" I said, hoping to hell that was the end of the topic. I couldn't discuss her damn Ex anymore.

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