Chapter 35 - Kai/ Ella

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Ella helped me shower the next day, I was not looking forward to the day in general. It was all stressing me out. My head was heavy because of the meds. I had to hold the wall and stand while she scrubbed me down.

She helped me into fresh hospital clothes.

"Fucking hate this, babe." I complained.

"I know, baby. I'm sorry." She said getting me back in the bed. She changed into fresh sweats and sat with me the whole day.

They were in to tell us about the procedure and after and what not. I groaned after they left. She found my complaining hilarious.

"I can't make it two weeks, Baby. I just can't." I whined.

"You'll be ok, Kai. I'll be here every day. Do you want me to bring you anything from home?"


She kissed my sulky face, smiling. "Please, Kai. Don't sulk. It'll be ok baby. You'll be asleep most of the time. The meds will put you to sleep, ok?"

She asked me what she could do to help distract me, I only smiled. She cracked up and snorted like a little pig. I told her that and she laughed and snorted more. Telling me I had a world's worst gutter brain. I said I knew. I laughed at her laughing because it was fucking hilarious when she snorted. She had such a nutsy laugh. I fucking loved it.

I didn't know how I was supposed to make it all day without seeing her. In a bed all day long. Fuck. But I was also nervous about the surgery. Smith was in for a few more signatures. Ella signed whatever he asked her to, she didn't ask what was what. She was too trusting. But I didn't want her knowing about this anyway. Not right now at least. I'd tell her when I got back home. I put in my signatures. He wished me luck for the surgery and left.

"How are you feeling about the surgery, babe?"

"Nervous, to be honest." She turned her head. "And you've just let me ramble on, all this time?"

"I did it for selfish reasons." I kissed her face. She frowned. "I didn't want to think about it."

Then it was time, the nurses came in and she begged me to please let go and let them do what they had to. She stood aside, holding my hand as they shaved half my head.

Rob came in when I was all cleaned up. "Holy...! It's fine you're still hot. Like a half bald Cillian Murphy. Fucking figures you get to look like that without half your hair even. I don't think it's fair." He said, Ella laughed hugging him. "How are you, Lala?" He asked, kissing her cheeks. She just nodded.

"Don't worry, you're still better looking." She said, plonking down in the chair next to me. Rob was across in the other chair. I snapped my head to her. "What did you just say?"

She was looking at him, "You know he has this whole handsome, lean Henry Cavill thing going for him, if that isn't a turn on I don't know what is...Rob is smoking hot." She said.

"Are you really telling me, to my face, that you think my best friend is hotter than me?" Was she for fucking real?

She laughed. "Maybe to the world, but not to me." She said. That did not make me feel better.

"Wait, what? Everyone thinks he looks better than me? Seriously?"

"I'm so sorry to burst your bubble, baby. But if Rob was straight it'd be you throwing girls off his lap." She said. I wasn't sure what to say, was she serious, she thought Rob was hotter than me.

Then they looked at each other for a second and laughed, stomach holding, can't breathe kinda laughing. "Did you see his face. Oh my gawd!" Rob was kicking it.

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