Chapter 49 - Kai

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I stopped in front of her, I couldn't believe her. I tried to stand; Rosa helped me up. Ella's legs moved apart, while she took a long gulp. I smiled. How was this person even real? Owen was right, she was too good for this world. I was standing between her legs, she looped her legs around my waist giving me support to stand. I was tired but standing. It felt good.

"I'm sorry and not sorry, Kai. I just fucking lost it." she said softly. She shook her head, "I.. I don't know what came over me." She wasn't looking at me. She was looking down at the hand holding the bottle.

I pulled her face up. She looked at me reluctantly, her eyes were full of doubt and anger. Oh, I couldn't have that. I kissed her so hard; she almost dropped the whiskey. She put it aside and put her hands on my face. "I'm sorry." she said again.

"No, Baby."

"I... Are you mad?"

I puled up her face, making her look at me. "Ella, my love, you have nothing to apologise for. Why would I ever be mad, babe. I love you more than the whole fucking world, thank you, baby." I said, kissing her again. I had never ever had anyone save Rob stand up for me, and vice versa but now Rob and I had her. And if we thought we were brutal, we were very wrong. She wasn't taking shit from anyone when it came to us and that felt good. But she was so right about everything. She had told my mum about the things that gave her nightmares and caused her the most pain. So, my mother would understand the situation better, she had done that for me.

I don't think anyone had ever cared about me this much in my whole life. "I love you." she just nodded, in my arms. I was holding her tight. "Ella?"


"I said I love you." She looked up. "I love you, Kai more than the whole world." and I fucking believed her.

I let her go, but she was still leaning on my chest, I picked up the whiskey and handed it to her. Finally, she moved. "Thank you. I think I need to just get hammered right now."

I nodded, smiling; "I'm sure we can make that happen." I wasn't sure what the hell was going on outside. I didn't really care. Everything that mattered to me in life was right here and I didn't think about leaving her side.

Rob came in, I moved out of the way and he just put his arms around her hugging her tight, she held him back. "I'm sorry." she said again. He pulled her off the counter, and swung her around while hugging her. She squealed laughing. I was one second away from losing it. Not because of Rob, but because I couldn't do that to her. I couldn't fucking pick her up or carry her. It pissed me off. He set her back on the island, still hugging her.

"Thank you, Lala. And no you are not sorry; you can't be because there is nothing to be sorry for. You stood up for us, and said what we couldn't and you're right about everything. I can't believe you are in our lives, sweet pea. I love you so much." he kissed her head, she smiled.

"Fuck it, let's get drunk. Gimme that," he said still looking at her in awe and taking a huge gulp of the whiskey, Ella smiled at him.

"Where's Sofia?" she asked.

"She left." What? I hadn't even noticed. But after everything I just couldn't care less. I hope Ella had gotten through to her. I hope she would finally realise what we were telling her this whole time. I hoped she would get help. She gave Rob the whiskey and moved to beer.

I got a text from my mum.

I'm so sorry Kai, for everything.


Rosa gave me the cane, to lean on. "I'll make some cocktails and get some food going." she said. We went back outside and I sat down at the table. Ella was in my lap, she finished her beer, and showed Rob the image of my gruesome head, he made a face and said fuck ten times in a row,  in disbelief.

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