Chapter 27 - Kai

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I cursed Rob. I fucking hated this club; it was snooty and snobby and filled to the brim with ostentatious fuckers. I said my hi's and hello's to a few people before heading up to the private gallery. There were several sections cordoned off for different parties, I didn't know ours was this big, there were about 30 people and didn't know half of them. I asked him make sure it wasn't crowded and this is what he went with?

I was a bit nervous after my call with Ella, what was she wearing that she had to be that nervous? Why was I being a dick to her, Rob was right. I knew she was only here for me and if I didn't stop acting like a dumb piece of shit, she would eventually get sick of my crap. Why did I care what she wore, I couldn't be that insecure, right? Aside from naked or in her underpants I would be ok with anything. I wasn't going to be the guy that told his girl what she could or could not wear. Shit. It also sucked that she thought she needed my permission to do things, like shop with Rob.

I knew what she was going to say, I was glad she didn't. She wanted me to know she didn't want to look like a slut. I knew it in my bones. My heart broke. I needed her to stop calling herself that.

I spotted a bunch of people from work, a few from school that interned at work, some who just joined the party.  Lou was sitting at the table with some of the work guys. "Hey K, Where's Stella?" Lou asked, he was usually the quietest and he was a damn talented sculptor and a pretty featured artist at the Gallery.

"Hey man, she's getting a ride with Rob." I said, he nodded, offering me a glass and bottle of Macallan, I poured a drink.

I spotted a few acquaintances, I didn't bother and my mum of all fucking people and her boyfriend, some investors, some board members. Shit, it was a fucking work thing! Why had he asked me, he knew I hated these things. 

When Rob had asked if I wanted to go out for a drink, this was not what I had in mind. I figured it would be just the boys and a few drinks and then I would get to take my girl home. I hadn't seen her all day, I missed her face. But apparently not. It was a work thing. But I should have guessed when I found out where we were going. This place was pretty exclusive.

I probably looked as annoyed as I felt. I was stuffy in my suit, if I could've just had Ella to myself for 20 minutes before we left, I might feel differently, less pent up, then I felt like a dick for thinking that. But she would agree with me. Sex with her was better than a 2 hour kick boxing session. I was on edge. It was almost 9, where was she?

There was Steve from accounting, Smith our head of finance, my mother the face of the brand with her assistant, she had apparently re-assigned Ashlyn, since, I never showed my face. I was fine with that, I could hire someone else.

Michelle from sales, David from sales and a bunch of others. They curated the stuff that was in vs out and what worked and what didn't and did valuations on the pieces... there a few people from school I recognized and nodded at, Kit and fucking Nicole in the corner, oh jeez. I should text Rob. I said nothing to anyone. I loosened my tie and undid the top two buttons, it was a bit warm in here. I was at the start of a head ache.

And everyone save Lou, my mother and Ashlyn were too intimidated to say much to me. I should try and change that. Also, there was, Lucas, who happened to be dating my mother and a huge capital investor and a PE guy. I wasn't sure what I thought of him, not that he was a douche, but he tried too hard and it made me uneasy.

Where was Ella, where was Rob? Fuck, I wasn't going to text, I wasn't. Just then my phone chimed, she had texted me, Almost there. 2 mins, sorry. LY, E. I sighed. Almost laughing, she could probably feel my stress from where ever she was.

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