Chapter 37 - Ella

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The week passed on pretty much the same. Kai was crabby and cranky most days. He whined about getting bored but he wasn't even allowed to read a book. So, I couldn't help him stay distracted. He was tired and asleep a lot but he didn't like sitting around. I knew he wouldn't. He needed to do things.

I knew he didn't want me to see the studio because of whatever he was working on. And so, I bought him a small sketch pad and pens to doodle on when he felt like it. He was happy about having something to do. He still couldn't move his head too much. The swelling on his face was better. I missed sleeping next to him. And god did I miss the sex.

Rob came with me most days and we tried to keep him entertained. I came in, in the morning and Rob came with me in the evenings. He was planning some fund raiser for the University's masters program.

I finally had the time to unbox my gaming consoles and kept myself entertained. I finally felt ok enough to take my violin out its case after almost a year and I played a few hours at night. Most nights after Rosa left or if I couldn't sleep. I started off scratchy but I was fine by the end of the week. 

Seeing as we didn't have neighbors, I could play into the night and not worry about the noise. I was also getting used to being at home. Although, the thought just hit me sometimes that this was home. It was wild to even think about it. How was this happening?

Rosa had taught me how to change the door code if I needed. Kai told me he changed it every two weeks. I said he was being a crazy paranoid and who was even going to come to the house? No one knew where we lived.

I hadn't bothered to go get my car from Owen's. I didn't think I would be able to speak to him. Kai said to leave it there and just use his. So I did. I did love his car.

Kai asked me if he wanted me to have Rosa stay and he was worried about me staying alone. I said I was fine and no, I didn't really want anyone staying over.

I went to school and group, between visiting Kai. I left him notes to cheer him up. And kissed him loads. And tried to avoid Troy. Which was not too hard seeing as I was in print making the whole week. They would be moving Kai to Neuro tomorrow. He was most upset about that because we couldn't visit him in there.

Him and Mare had a hospital buddies group going and texted a bunch of shit to each other. I rolled my eyes at him. And warned her to behave which was completely pointless. She didn't know how.

A group of people in class invited me to go with them for drinks a few times. I said no I couldn't every time they asked me. Kai was not happy. He was pissed off and told me I wasn't to chat with anyone in my class. I felt like he was being nuts. But, I said ok because, it wasn't like I wanted to go out for drinks with anyone. I was happy to just go home and sit in a hot bath and drink a beer and play xbox or my violin.

I was strangely at peace at home. I felt like I was settling in. I was feeling pretty comfortable and at home. I was feeling a bit brave one night and walked on past the the back yard into the field part of the farm. Just praying it didn't have snakes. It was unreal out here. There was nothing but tall grass and a few trees. I didn't know why Kai hadn't bothered doing anything with this space. But in a way, I was glad. 

I sat there with my beers and played some music on my phone and just looked up at the sky. It was so peaceful. It didn't even feel like I lived in a city with people. I could have been out in the wilderness in Africa. All I heard were insects. And I had the wind blowing on my face. I wasn't sure how long I sat out there. I even played out there a few times. It was magical.

I didn't tell Kai, I knew he would freak out.

I woke up to my phone chiming. Only one person it could be.

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