Chapter 38 - Ella/Kai

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I parked Kai's car in the lot and made my way to history, I didn't bump into Troy which was good. I managed to get though my day, every now and then I spotted people looking at me. What was going on? I tried to steer clear of anyone I might recognise.

I even made it to group on time, Troy was absent. I was on my way back to the parking lot, an hour later; texting Kai, that I was almost at the car and would see him at 4, which was in 30 minutes.

"Stella! Hey." Troy caught up to me. Was he waiting here. Jeez, Kai would not be happy.

"Hey." I said back still walking. He caught my arm, I shook it off turning to him slowly.

"Listen sorry, but I thought you should see this."

"See what?" He took out his phone and showed me a video. At first, I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. I watched it again and again, my face falling further. It was a video of the night we went to the club. Nicole was sitting across Kai's lap and was kissing his neck and riding his lap while his head was leaning back on the back rest. What in the actual fuck! Was this when I went to the rest room? Was this a joke? How could this have happened? Oh my god. I think I was going to be sick. My hands shook.

"I'm so sorry Stella, I thought you should know." He said.

"Can you send that to me?" I asked in the calmest voice I possessed. He sent it. "Stella, Listen..." but I was already walking away. I didn't want to listen to anyone.

I got back in the car, numb. What had I just seen? How was this possible? I could drive there and ask him myself, but it was a hospital and I didn't want to get angry or lose it there. I don't know what I was thinking.

Instead, I texted him.

What am I looking at, Kai?! And attached the video.

It took him a few minutes to respond.

What the fuck is this?

I don't know, but Troy showed it to me just now.

Is he with you now?


Ella, that's not me, I swear, that never happened, baby please.

I don't understand.... What the hell is happening?

Baby, I did not do that. I was at the table with everyone, you saw me, Ella. You saw me with Rob. My love, why would I ever do this to you?

I know but how is there a video of this, Kai?

Please baby, Ella. Why aren't you answering your phone? Please babe, call me. Ella. I did not do this.

Ella please pick up. Baby just talk to me. please.

I couldn't. My head was ringing. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I drove to the trail instead of visiting him. I sat by the tree, just stunned. I knew what I saw but it didn't make any sense.

I told Rosa I would be late so to just leave whenever she wanted. She told me there was food in the fridge, I sent her a heart and a thumbs up.

Troy texted again:

I'm so sorry this happened, Stella.

This is just who Kai is, I tried to tell you the night of the bon fire but then you left with him. I should have said something sooner. I'm sorry.

But after what Kai had told me about him, I very much doubted he was sorry at all. And no this was not who Kai was. He just wanted to create problems where none existed. Was this shit even real?

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