Chapter 58 - Kai

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I would've been happy to just hold her and kiss her like this all night. We moved at some point and made it off the table. She asked me tons about all the paintings, she wasn't sure about her face being the subject but I knew that already. She didn't think she was anything special. There were ones of her playing and ones of her smiling and ones when she was in thought or looked sad. There were some traumatic ones as well, and I think I was worried about those or what she might think of them. But she still said they were beautiful. I was so relieved. She said she loved them. I kissed her good. I asked which one she liked the best and was not surprised when she picked the blond nude. It was also my favorite one. I told her. She smiled and we kissed more.

She was dark haired in some and blond in others. She said no one was going to want to buy her face regardless of how talented I was. I had laughed my ass off. I was only thinking twice about it, because random people would have her face over their walls.

I would've been happy to just put them up in our house, so I could see her everywhere. And start a fresh collection. There were only three nudes of her, but without her face..and they were abstract enough, but I still wasn't sure I wanted them in the show if I decided to have one. Maybe we could keep those.

Eventually, we got in the car. I wanted to just savor the fucking moment forever. She had said yes, just like she had when I had kissed her and asked her out 6 months back. There were so many tiny moments that led me to believe in my bones we'd never leave each other. Nothing would change. I knew the second I saw her eyes when she first kissed me, she was all mine, and she had never proved me otherwise. Damn, I was still reeling.

I kept looking at her and the ring on her finger as she drove to Owens. It did kinda look prefect on her beautiful finger. It was a big rock but it was simple, just like she was. There were tracks running down her face that had dried. I knew I had a few, I just couldn't believe I had done this and she had agreed. I had fucking proposed to the girl I loved beyond anything. How had it fucking come to this? I had gone from a heroin addict to an artist that slept with anything that moved to having an amazing life with the most beautiful fucking fiancé that lived with me. What was my life now?

Rob knew, Mare knew. She asked me three times if I was sure. I didn't know why? It had made me nervous. Maybe Ella had told her she didn't ever want a ring.. I wasn't sure. They had picked or suggested a bunch but I just didn't feel like it was her. I needed something more simple, then I found it, a single rectangular rock in a band.  Rob had said it was perfect the second he saw it and she would love it. Mare told me nothing circular. I took it a sign, because her mother's ring was a circular diamond. And I knew Ella hated it.

I had never seen it again. I didn't ask what she had done with it. I realised how different my car was suddenly. There was tissue and cream and sanitiser, a mini first aid kit it in, and it smelled like her Chloe perfume. It was the only one she ever used. I pulled out tissue from the box and licked it and wiped her face and mine. "Kai...!!!!" She squealed. I laughed. It wasn't like she wore any makeup anyway.

I didn't care if we ever got married, I didn't care if we ever had a family. I would be happy to leave behind everything once we graduated and just travel the world with her. If that's what she wanted.

We'd never had that conversation but I guessed now was better than any to ask... I held her hand, "Ella?"


"What do you want to do once we graduate?" She smiled, "I don't graduate for another year, but I don't know, Kai, maybe we could travel a bit? What do you want to do?"

I laughed, "The same. Traveling for a few months sounds about right."

"What will you do for the year that I still have left?

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