Chapter 87 - Kai/ Ella

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She was laying next to me panting and in a daze. I could barely breathe from how good that was. But we had to head down for dinner and her meds. She whined about it and it only made me smile more. I kissed her a long time telling her I loved her.

We ate dinner and I asked if she wanted to have a beer outside. She did, so we'd sat out side with her on my lap on the lounger and sipped beers and chatted. We'd brought out the speaker and there was some background music playing. It felt like I hadn't been out here in ages. She said the same. I nodded, "I think it will be weird not being able to do this."

"We can always have a similar backyard, babe."

"Hmm, we'll finally get to go furniture shopping. Maybe we'll move the lounger with us." I said, she laughed, "I'm looking forward to that. I'm sure I can find you a similar lounger, baby. And no marble shit.", "hmmm, no I don't think I can do marble either. The kitchen is though. But that's ok, it's a matte black like you wanted."

"Did you like it?"

"Of course I did baby, I think it looks great." I kissed her head, the kitchen really did look great, most of the house did. I was really happy with how it had turned out. "And I've asked them to change out all the whitish lights. It's coming along... you know we'll have some teething issues. It did take longer than expected."

"Only because you are so pedantic." I laughed. "That might be true, I should give her a bonus for putting up with me." she laughed. "This is stressed Anne all over again." she said, I cracked up.

"I've never lived in a house I've helped design or bought . It feels strange. I loved this house the second I saw it, everything about it. I'm maybe a bit nervous now. Maybe it's because I'm so used to this or comfortable here." I pulled her closer and hugged her. I kissed her head.

"You'll feel the same way there, baby give it a bit of time. You're just nervous because you're stepping out of your comfort zone." she wound her arms around my neck and I instantly felt better. We opened fresh beers

"I know, still doesn't feel real, Kai. Are we really doing this?" I tightened my hand around her.

"We are baby, it's more real to me because I've had time to come to terms with it. You skipped a few months so it feels new. Ella, my love you will never move on here, you know this. This place and the people here will always be a constant reminder for you, every time you take a step forward, they drag you ten steps back. I can't have that happen to you all the time."

I was still hugging her she leaned on me. I kissed her head giving her a fresh beer. She seemed in thought.

I told her the boys wanted to have one big bash before we left, probably the coming weekend. She smiled saying that would be great. And could we do it at home, because she was too conscious to go out. I knew what she meant; she hadn't worn a single piece of her clothes since she'd been back.

"You're planning to party it up in Jammies?" I smiled. She laughed nodding. "I'm paying homage to my life here in jammies." I laughed.


"Yes, my love?"

"I want to go see Warren tomorrow. It's what I was talking to Owen about." My heart stopped.

"No fucking way Ella, you are not fucking going." I almost stood wanting to fucking flip the table. Was she fucking nuts?

"Kai, Baby, just listen to me. Please Kai." she was holding my face in both hands and I was fucking furious.

"I don't want to listen to shit, you are not fucking going. Ella have you lost your fucking mind, babe?"

"Kai, please, I never say no to you, I always listen to you. Please baby...I need this."

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