Chapter 95 - 7 Years Later

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Rob popped into my office with Fredrick for our monthly, just as I was about to text Ella. I hadn't heard from her all day apart from when I called in the morning. She had the flu and she sounded terrible and I was upset I wasn't there. But Rosa was in Tromso with us now, so, I was ok. I was relieved she wasn't alone.

I had never gone a whole day without hearing from her in the last 9 years and I was a bit on edge from not seeing her this long. It had been 4 weeks of being in Berlin and I was really getting sick of work now... I felt like I hadn't had a proper break since we moved to Europe.

Rob nodded at me sitting down. Him and Fred, our finance head for Europe were engaged and Rob had moved to Berlin now. He was happy. Ella and I were so fucking happy for them. They were so great together. And Fred was such a fun and chill bloke. They were planning their wedding in the fall of next year. They chatted about something.

I just wanted to go home and see Ella. I think I was done with work. I was sick of running a business. This was not my thing. I was away too long and too fucking often and it was getting to me. I just wanted to go back and take her sailing. It was our favorite thing to do with the boys. Or just sit on the couch with her or out by the water with a beer. Fuck.

"Lala, better?"

"No. She still has the flu. Haven't heard from her, all fucking day." I said. I knew I sounded sulky. They both grinned.

"Making you a jumpy numpty?" Rob asked.

"Oh yeah. I know she's ill and probably asleep, but still." He laughed at me.

Screw it. I texted Rosa, while they chatted.

Hey sweet thing, is Ella ok? Is she asleep?

No. Still ill. And no, she is in her studio all the time, she won't listen. It's not news.

Too fucking right, why is she in the studio? Why is she out of bed?

You ask her, she says she has a lot to work on and she is stressed. She is not resting enough, Kai. She is not even keeping herself warm. I'm taking soup out to her now.

Fuck. I needed to be home. She was so damn stubborn.

Can you also take her something warm?

Yes, I am. She is not even wearing socks. Just walking around barefoot in the cold.

She did do that, a lot. Pretty much all the time, actually. It was a miracle they were still attached to her legs.

Force her into them, I'll talk to her.

Please do.

The boys alright?

yes, they are with her.

Of course.

gigantic babies

I laughed; they really were. I texted Ella.

Ella? Baby?

Hi babe, all ok?

No, I miss you, why are you out of bed, my love. Please go back and rest.

Miss you too, Kai. I'm fine. Don't stress, please.


Please baby. I'm ok, Kai. I really do have to finish this piece for Y. I'm working on the sound bite for Sean, and Christian has sent over some stuff for the show and it is a big piece. It's stressing me out.

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