Chapter 41 - Kai

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Ella was right, I was stressed. I wanted to talk to her about the house after I was home. I didn't need her to find out like this. That I had signed the whole thing to her, not just half. I just didn't want my mum to go off any further than she had. I was just making sure she would be ok if anything happened to me, like if the surgery fucked up or I ended up a fucking vegetable. So, I had the house papers transferred to her, so she would have some place to call her own.

She would have said no, if I told her. I knew her. But I needed her to feel at home, after everything she had been through, I needed her to feel stable and settled and have a foundation. I didn't want her to think I did it out of pity. I knew she loved me just for me, I knew she was probably the only person I met that didn't care who I was or how much money I had. Oh, she wouldn't be happy knowing about the accounts either. Rob would get a letter he didn't know about as well. But he knew about the house and he agreed with me when I told him.

She didn't need my money she had enough of her own. And it still stumped me that she hadn't changed at all knowing she had money. It had made no difference to her. She only cared that the insurance continued for Mare, so she would at least not be refused proper treatment.

She didn't go on a crazed shopping spree or buy something like a house or a car. She repaid me the 50k I had given her loser EX, offered to replace my coffee table, which she had and go shopping for garden furniture. She just hadn't changed at all. She still wore my sweats. She really was so strange. Fuck, I just needed to see her.

But I was fuming at my mum showing up like she had, it made me crazy; the lunatic shit she was saying. I had clearly told her to not go to the house. I just couldn't understand who this person was. Rob was right, she needed to see someone. Why would any mother have such little consideration for her son being in the hospital, why would she do these things knowing I'd have to get involved and it would slow my recovery and fuck my peace of mind.

I was going to have to force her to see someone. Jesus, she'd called Ella a money-grubbing whore? I would have flipped the damn table if she'd said that while I was there.

My phone chimed. I hoped it was Ella, but it was Rob.

K, she was in fucked up shape when I got there, Mate. I have never, ever seen her like that. I'm sure she'd been bawling. I don't know for how long. It took me about 30 minutes to get there. Kai, tonight was bad.

Oh god! What the fuck? She hadn't said anything to me. Then I shook my head wanting to break something, she didn't want to stress me.

What? Why?

Kai, I don't know what else Sofia told her, she was screaming and shouting at her. Also, this is what Lala texted me:  The hair on my spine stood. She'd screamed at her? What? Oh my god! What had happened that she hadn't told me.

Rob sent me a screenshot of Ella's texts to him.

I was stunned speechless. I sat in bed for ten whole minutes re-reading Ella's texts to Rob. She had been crying, of course she had. Who wouldn't, if someone said this fucked up shit to them. Oh my fucking god, had she believed my mother? She hadn't said anything about this to me. I re-read her texts to me, all she told me a million times was that she loved me and no she didn't want to leave me. Oh, fuck me dead.

I was heart broken for her and myself, is that what my mother thought of me? I didn't know any of this shit had gone down. I didn't know what Ella had endured for 30 minutes. If her texts were any indication it was bad. And I was scared shitless, what if it was too much for her, she had said it in her text, she said it was too much. I didn't fucking blame her, she had been through too much for this. I texted her:

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