Chapter 72 - Kai

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Ella had been on her phone all morning. She said it was Mare and I was so pissed. My jaw was clenched so tight.

"Baby, I am not forgiving her and I'm not going to the surgery, ok? She's texting because she is bored." She was trying very hard to placate me.

"Kai?" I said nothing.

"Please, Baby. Don't be upset, I'm sorry. I find it hard to say no to her because I haven't ever said no. But you told her I wasn't coming and I won't go. Please baby."

But I simply couldn't. I got it. They were not just sisters; they were twins and that was a different ball game. But I was still pissed. She leaned over giving me along kiss on the cheek on the way to school, we were late as usual, from my lack of self control when it came to her. "Kai please, with a thousand kisses. She's just talking random shit."

"But she hasn't fucking apologised, Ella. Fuck! You are not making things better; you are only encouraging her. Why have you forgiven all her shit? I don't fucking get this."

"I haven't forgiven anything, Kai. OK I'll stop. Please don't be angry with me." She begged.

"Stop right fucking now."

"Ok, I'm doing that." She put the phone behind her on the seat. "Please, don't be mad."

"I just can't right now." I said, because I really couldn't. She was upset but that was fine. I was angry as fuck. I just couldn't fucking deal.

"Ok, I'm sorry, Kai." She whined.

"Babe, this is not going to happen again. I'm done with this, ok?"

"OK, I promise."


"Kaaaaaii please, baby. Please don't give me the silent treatment. Please." I sighed. "I'm not, you're ok, you just drive me fucking crazy sometimes."

"Good crazy or bad crazy?" I smiled.


We'd reached and she jumped out, kissing me. "Have to run, babe. I'm late. I love you." And she was off. She'd forgotten her phone in the seat. I cursed. Putting it in my pocket and locking the car and I headed to my printmaking class.

I checked her phone before I got to work. I needed to know that Mare hadn't said shit to her. Cuz if I had to see her upset one more bloody time because of this shit, I would lose my ever-loving mind.

Elllieeeee, I'm so fucking bored.. just text me...


Pleaseee I won't bring him up.

What do you want?

Oohh prickly

Shut up.

I miss this side of you

I don't care

You know who I do miss though?

I'm not doing this with you

Oh c'mon Ellie, play with me, I'm bored....pleeeeaseee

Fine, who?


Jones or woods?

Woods. God not Yuck-fuck-Jones, I would've rather slept with the fucking concussion.

lol, yeah I can see that for you... omg, also forgot we called him that, lol... what a dick.

I couldn't believe she had just forgiven shit.

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