Chapter 12 - Kai

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She'd said okay? Had she really just said she was willing to give this a shot? Fuck! I was reeling. Was I really doing this? Was I really going to date? And Ella of all people? She asked if I could be monogamous, I'd never tried before, but I'd said I would for her. And I was going to. I would be an idiot to not try for her.

I was sure she was going to freak the second I kissed her, but she hadn't, I was happily surprised. How did she know it was me? Cuz I knew she would have freaked if anyone else had touched her. I knew I was in too deep because I couldn't stop touching her or kissing her. Fuck, I just couldn't get enough of her face. How was she real? Her aunt was also pretty, seems it ran in the family. She was nowhere near as beautiful as Ella but still I could see how they were related.

Brig had let out a low whistle and we had all turned to see who he was whistling at. I almost died from shock after a full minute of staring, realising it was Ella. Fuck. I told them it was her and they stared open mouthed. I was so stunned. Fuck. What was she doing here? How was this real? Rob switched seats with me. Fuck! She looked so insanely good. I knew she was there the whole time and I was trying very hard to just stay put and deal with it tomorrow.

I'd initially thought I'd let her have her night out. But I just couldn't not go over. I was getting increasingly pissed off by all the fucking attention she was getting at the bar. The one fucking day she didn't wear sweats, and hide behind her hair, half the bar had walked up to her to buy her drinks? Of course they would, she looked unbelievable, like she'd just walked off a damn runway. Fuck.

Also, there was no way I was letting her off the hook for the shit she'd pulled. So, I guessed this was as good a time as any.

I knew she had fucking feelings for me, but she wouldn't admit it. She would've been perfectly happy to go on, smile at me like I was her friend and do her thing. Problem was I couldn't let her go. I was a prick. I didn't even tell her about Nicole grinding my fucking lap before I dove for her. She would never speak to me again. I couldn't blame Ella, she couldn't stand Nic. I got it, I hated Troy, it was no different.

She didn't think I could do it; she didn't think she was good enough. She thought her shit would be too much for me to stick around for, I wondered if she would ever tell me. Should I have listened to her? But, I already knew she was messed up. I'd seen her every week for 7 months. I'd seen her have a panic attack and a night terror just last night. I knew shit had happened to her. But, she didn't get it, I had heaps of shit too. I wasn't good enough for her, and I knew it but fuck me if I wasn't going to try for her.

My phone chimed and I hoped it was her. But it was Sam, asking if I wanted to come over tonight. I replied. Kinda off the market, Sam. She replied, Nice one, what time you coming? I wanted to laugh cuz she didn't believe it either. I replied, For real. She sent me a shocked face and a what?!!!! since when? There was no use lying about it, I'd been at her place the night before the bon fire. Today. She sent back a, Oh fuck, another one bit the dust huh? I laughed. Looks like. Thanks though, Sam. She replied. Sure thing, bad boy, you know where to find me if that doesn't work out, Later. I smiled shaking my head. Sam was chill.

Oh jeez. I wasn't sure how to deal with the rest of this. Was Ella going to flip? She knew this about me though, didn't she? Or she had some idea. Should I tell her or bring it up? Shit. I was struggling.

I was grateful to sit as far away from Nicole as possible, plus, from here I could see them at the bar clear as day. Damn those legs and those heels. I couldn't stop looking at her. She was here, looking like a goddess and all I wanted to do right now was take her home and worship her body. Maybe I'd ask her if she wanted to come to mine tonight. Or was that too soon? I didn't know, I'd never had a girlfriend before. Let alone dated someone.

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