Chapter 25 - Kai/ Ella

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"Good of you to show up." Mum snapped. I was annoyed as is.

"Seeing as no one can get anything done around here without me, what choice did I fucking have?" I snapped back. She glared at me. I glared back.

We basically glared at each other all morning. I was pissed off I had to be here. And she was pissed at me being pissed. Fuck.

I got busy with a few work calls. And the most boring arse meeting with the board taking about yearly projections and where we saw ourselves going. I hated these things. It wasn't a bloody secret. Why did they insist on me being here for these things?

She further glared at me to at least look interested. I glared back. I had worn a fucking suit, what more did she want? I didn't fucking get it. I was fucking here, wasn't I?

I'd left my very upset and shattered girl alone at home for this? Fuck. There was also a conversation to buy over another gallery that seemed to be going out of business. Along with the art or not? What would that cost us.. Everyone looked at me. I gave them my two cents. And again that when a new client was brought up and a new pledge from some senator. I chimed in for a bit and I stopped paying attention..

I let my mind blatantly wander to Ella, was she doing, ok? Was she upset...I dropped her a text:

"All ok over there? I'm sorry to have left you baby, this meeting sucks balls, wish I could see your face. Love you. K"

I texted Ashlyn, my supposed assistant, who rarely ever saw me, so I had no idea what she actually did now, probably my mother's bidding. While pretending to nod and stay interested in what they were saying.

Pull me out in 15, if this isn't over by then. Surely, it would be.

Yes, Mr. Walker.

I'd been at work for 4 hours and I hadn't heard from Ella. If she was upset I knew exactly how to make it up to her, I finally gave up and texted.

"Babe, I haven't heard from you.. are you upset with me for leaving? I got you a surprise.... ly, k.

The meeting was finally over. I was shaking hands with some of the board and chatting. 15 minutes on the dot, Ashlyn peeked in, "Mr. Walker you have a call on line 1.."

I made my excuses and left.

I was uncomfortable as fuck in my suit. But I had worn suits plenty times before, I think it was just the damn day. I just wanted to go home and see her face and know she was okay. Everything was irritating me.

I knew Ash she was checking me out, I knew she had a thing for me and maybe in a different life.... the thought stopped dead like hitting a brick wall. I would still choose Ella, even in a next life. Fuck, I really did have it bad. Maybe getting some air had been a good thing, or I might have suffered cabin fever and lost my mind. But I missed her and it had only been 4 hours. I was a huge sucker. I apparently lost all my marbles when it came to her.

We reached my office, "Anything else, Mr. Walker?" She asked.

"Yes.....I need you to get me the newest xbox, a play station and a Nintendo, hope I'm saying that right... and I need a game called Zelda. Actually hang on.." Was that correct? It was something with a Z. I had to google it. "Oh, it's Legend of Zelda. Charge it to my card, please."

She stood there just staring at me like I'd grown an extra head.


"I, yes, Mr. Walker, sorry, just going to take this down real quick. Ok, I've got it, should I deliver it to your house?"

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