Chapter 88 - Kai

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Ella was silent the whole way home, I got it. I didn't push her.

I had been reassured by the DA and the FBI that he wouldn't be able to come after her even if he tried. He also had no funds or money or anything to offer anyone else to do his dirty work for him anymore. So that was a fucking relief. 

I was trying so hard to keep it together hearing the shit I was. Part of me was glad I wasn't here when she spoke to them the first time. I didn't want to imagine what she'd have had to tell them. I was sick to my stomach at the thought of her being used the way she had been and the way he had talked about her. He had raped her. For a year. Fuck. I was this close to losing it. Fuck. And he claimed she was fucking promised to this motherfucker. I blood boiled. Fuck.

She cheered up toward the end of the day, I had her soaked in a bath and massaged all of her. I knew the physio was painful but there really wasn't anything I could do about it. And she was tired, I could see her legs shake, she held on to the railing for dear life. And I knew she wanted to get better but I couldn't deal, so, I just picked her up and took her down stairs, "baby, I need to be able to do this on my own." she said, "I know, and you will, but I can't right now, ok?" I said kissing her, she nodded. She got me too well. 

 She ate all her food without complaint and took all her supplements.

She played piano for a bit, while I leaned on the wall watching her. She was writing down bars of notes as she went, it sounded sad. But like my art her music was her own.

We finally went to bed, I just hugged her close, I couldn't wait for this day to be over.


"Hmmm?" she put a leg over me snuggling closer. I dragged her in to me.

"You know he's in love with you?"

"Who baby?" she was sleepy, her meds were kicking in.

"Warren." she barked a sarcastic laugh.

"Kai, he wouldn't know the meaning of the word, if it slapped him in the face with a metal glove." I barked a laugh but I knew it was true. It was the way he'd said her name. It made me uncomfortable as fuck. She would never get it. The strangest thing about Ella was she thought I was the only person in the world, mad enough to love her. She thought I was the only guy that would ever be so wholly ok with who she was and her past. She really was so oblivious. I shook my head. I wanted to tell her the truth. Every guy I knew would be the fucking same as me. But I knew she would roll her eyes and not believe me.

"Baby in whatever twisted way it might be... he is." Her eyes were closed and I knew sleep was dragging her under. But I felt sick and unsettled at the idea of that prick in love with my wife. She didn't open her eyes. "That's unsettling and disgusting." She mumbled. I barked a laugh. Fucking exactly.

She passed out. And breathed softly at my neck.

Rob was over and Rosa was back. She said her daughter was getting a divorce and she was confused as to whether she should come with us or stay to look after her daughter and two grand kids and they were struggling a bit. Ella and I felt terrible for her.

Ella and I offered to take care of things however she needed. Even if it meant she couldn't come with us. We would never force her. But, I would miss Rosa, she's been with me since I was 18, she knew exactly how I liked everything. And she always took such good care of us.

We made Rosa the offer to take care of anything financial she would need, like the kids education and expenses. She was grateful and said she would talk it over with her daughter.

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