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we literally hit 870 as soon as i posted the last chapter yo wtfff😂 i love you guys😭💔  enjoy this chapter!!! 

we got back to his house and i immediatly started packing all my things back up.

" hey hold the fuck up what do you think your doing. sit that shit down and bring your sexy ass over here and sit next to me. we need to talk about this shit going on."  he says patting the seat next to him on the couch.
but i stay standing a good distance from him.
" we arent even dating!!! i dont know why im trippin about the fact youve been fucking other girls the whole time weve been talking !!" i shouted with tears in my eyes.

" baby listen. listen to what the fuck your saying. it makes no sense. every fucking day that me and youve been talking, WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER!! IT DOESNT EVEN FUCKING MAKE SENSE ON WHY YOUD EVEN BELIEVE SOME BULLSHIT LIKE THAT!!!" he yells.

i speak of silence.
he gets up walking towards me smiling.
" baby i havent been with any other girls. whoever called you is just trying to get rid of you cuz they want me." he grabs my arms in a reassuring way.

"im sorry i over reacted...i didnt even think it all through" i smile.

he looks at me and smiles. then that mesmorizing  smile of his fades. and turns to a smirk.

" you say you dont know why you trip cause me and you arent dating .?" he asks.


" madeline, will you be my girlfriend.?"

OKAY SO UPDATE AT 900???? WE CAN DO THISSSS💔 comment any thoughts or opinions. even ideas !! 💔

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