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madelines POV

our first show was in New York.

when we got there, we took a taxi straight to the hotel. 

" I got two rooms, don't worry." he smiles as the lady give us our keys to the rooms.

"okay, our first show is tomorrow. and after tomorrows show, we will ride the bus to New Jersey." Jason tells me as we walk to our rooms. 

they were right next to each other. 

"then what are we going to do tonight?" I ask. 

"explore New York....duh.." he smiles as he opens my door  for me. 

" you know, I remember, when I first met you, the only thing you'd talk about was how you couldn't wait to go to New York one day... and look at you...pursuing your dreams and shit.." he chuckles. 

he's always had an adorable smile.

"oh yeah! I remember!I was so weird back then." I laugh as I set my stuff down. 

" no. you were the only normal girl in that school..." he blushes. 


" well, I'm gonna go to my room and get ready for tonight. if you need anything. you know where to find me." he awkwardly smiles and points to the room next door.

New York is fixing to be a blast! who's coming to the show tomorrow with @jasonwescott ?? 

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New York is fixing to be a blast! who's coming to the show tomorrow with @jasonwescott ?? 

likes: 15k

coments: 1.2k

username1: OMGOMGOMGOMG ME. 

username2: dude . i. live. in. New York. 

xanxiety: my baby so beautiful, I hope New York is treating you right love 💔🖤

me: @xanxiety of course babe.🖤

jasonwescott : awh. 

"knock knock?" Jason walks in the door. 

" whats the point of saying knock knock , when you walked in anyways?" I giggled. 

" I dunno. you ready? New York AWAITS!" the biggest smile appeared on his face. 

" yeah." I reply as I grabbed my purse. 

first we walked down the streets of New York city, going into any and almost every store. 

we went into a hat shop and tried on many hats, goofing around until the workers kicked us out. 

after a few hours of walking, we decided to get something to eat. 

" what do you want to eat?" Jason looks at me and asks. 

" I dunno. something good. ooo. wait, I wanna try something from one of the food trucks! I've always wanted to do that in New York." I smile. 

we went to a food truck that sold subs and we decided to sit in  a small park on a bench and eat. 

it was around 10pm now. 

and of course. it started raining. 

Diegos POV

I'm currently sitting at home. on the couch, binge watching The Simpsons with madelines brother. 

" so have you talked to her since she got to New York?" Ryan asks me. 

( is it bad that I don't remember if thats her brothers name or not? lmao.)

" no. I mean .. I commented on her Instagram picture. but thats it." I say as I stuff a taco in my mouth. 

"jasons a cool dude. our dad really liked him. then he moved. who knew this would happen, am I right?" he laughs. 

" okay dude. no offense. id rather not talk about my fiancé  being alone with her ex boyfriend , thousands of miles away." I say. getting aggravated. 

" sorry dude." he says quietly.

" so, who's your best man for yalls wedding.: he continues. 

" I dont know yet. I don't even think Madeline has looked for dresses yet honestly." I respond. 

"o nice" 

" why? did you wanna be my best man?" I laugh. 

" I mean... since you asked...." he laughs. 

" dude. what am I gonna do for weeks while she's not here." I groan. 

" work on wedding shit. make some music. go partying." 

I look at him and roll my eyes. 

" that was a test...and you passed." he tries to keep a serious face, but then he bursts out laughing.

" you got jokes man.." I laugh as I continue to watch tv. 

Madelines POV

" oh man!"  Jason takes off his jack and hands it to me. 

" here , take this." he laughs. 

" its getting late, we should probably head back to the hotel anyways" I smile. 

then it starts to down pour. 

"come one!" he puts his arm around my shoulder as we make a run for the side walk. 

once we finally start to walk again at a normal pace, his arm was still around me. 

" um.." I say as I shrug from under his arm. 

" oh, I'm sorry, I forgot." he stutters and his face turns a blush pink color.

after a long time of walking in silence, we finally reached the hotel. 

" I had fun tonight." I smile. 

" me too. even though I'm pretty sure I dropped my sandwich somewhere between running from  5th street and 8th.." he  squints and laughs. 

" ill see you tomorrow." I give a friendly smile and walk into my room. 

( the next day...)

I woke up to Jason knocking on my door. 

I get up and put my robe on. 

" its so earlyyy!" I exclaim, opening the door. 

" its 11, almost noon." Jason laughs. 

" come in..im gonna go get ready." I motion for him to come inside, then I head straight for the bathroom. 

it takes me a little while to get ready but eventually, I got all my makeup and hair done. 

" you ready? the tour bus is going to take us to the venue to set up, then to get food." Jason says as he stands up. 

"wow your beautiful" he blushes again.

"yeah.im ready." I smile. 


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