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i love all my supporters and readers💕 you guys make my day, you have no idea. 💔 and to the haters, yall can fuck off, cause i have big ideas for this book 💕 its gonna be a long term kinda thing😘   ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! 

Madelines Pov

its been 72 hours since i saw diego.
48 hours since my parents came to bring me a bag of my favorite books.
and 45 minutes since my nurse came to evaluate me.  she does it every 2 hours. ive been in this center for exactly  70 hours and 12 minutes. ive been counting. i havent slept since i last saw diego. 
"hey you ready for group?" my roomate came in my room and asked. she was a small, blond headed girl, with beautiful freckles. she was so beautiful to be depressed.  they sort you by ages in here.  shes 19 , since shes closer to my age.   shes here because she tried to drown herself. luckily shes alive. or else id have no other friends here. 

theres 12 of us here. 8 of us are here for the same problems. suicide and depression. the 4 others are here for crimes they committed because of their depression. 

" todays group will focus on 'love' " nurse jensen said.


"what does love mean to you.?" she asked.

we went around the room and most people said corny shit like puppies , money, happiness. and then it was my turn.

" love to me, doesnt really have a meaning . its a feeling you get, out of no where. whether its doing what you enjoy the most, or being with a certain someone. you never really know you love something until it hits you. "

everyone stared at me. blankly.

" i like you." a tall brunette, blue eyed boy said smiling.
i smiled back..it was the first time i smiled since ive seen diego.

"okay guys. groups over. dinner will be in about 20 minutes, then visitation hours will be here. " the nurse  ordered us all to leave the room .

then the same brunette boy came up to me. " hey. my names Sam. and i feel like shit 24/7. im very depressed. and i was wondering if you wanted to sit together during dinner? so we can get to know about each others depressing lives?"  he said it as if it was a joke. i couldnt help but laugh. " sure. i dont think anyones coming to visit me for visitation hours anyways." i smiled. we sat and colored relaxing drawings until it was time for dinner.

going through the line made me feel as if i was in highschool again. the lady asked us what we wanted, she put it on a plate or in a bowl then sat it on our tray. 

me and sam sat near the window. you could see the beautiful breath taking fountain from here.

" so why are you here beautiful?" he asks smiling.
i look up at him in shock.
" oh no you dont have to tell me if you dont want too." he says stuttering.

" i tried to kill myself" i say staring at my plate of food i havent touched since we sat down.

" fabulous." he says smiling.

"VISITATION HOURS ARE HERE!!" the guy yells as he opened a door , unleashing a mob of parents. from here, you can see the parking lot of all the parents cars.
then i saw something unbelieveable.
" DIEGO!!!" i yelled. i saw him walking in the parking lot with my father, mother and brother.

i dont know why i yelled. he couldnt hear me.

"hold on short stuff. he cant hear you." sam says smiling.

then i saw them stop, halfway here. and i see diego wipe his eyes. he looks at the building and it looks as if he looked right at me.

" ca...can..can he see me ??" i ask sam.
" yes beautiful he can. who is he??" he says peeking around to get a look at diego.

diego meets my eyes.  and he shakes his head crying. then turns around and runs back towards the parking lot.  my mother starts to cry on my fathers shoulder as my brother and parents continue to walk towards the building.

"why are you leaving...." i whisper with tears in my eyes.  with a little bit of hope, thinking he could just feel my pain.


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