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Diegos POV

"when were you going to tell me you got my daughter arrested huh?" her dad walks in and says angrily. 

"dad. he didnt do anything." madeline tried to pull him away from me. 

"we had to hear that you were arrested for assault and battery from Jason,  madeline!" her mom yelled. 

"so what? i got in a fight. this has nothing to do with diego, so stop yelling at him, dad!" she pulled her dad away from me. 

"actually. this does involve my son." Candy pitched in. 

"how?" i asked. 

"because you let her take the fall for you hurting that man diego." she widened her eyes at me. 

"nothing about jason is a man.." i laughed. 

"Diego Leanos, what do you find so funny son? you both can seriously get in trouble if jason decides to tell someone that you did it." my dad yelled. 

"dad, we're grown. okay? we're getting married next month. by the time the wedding comes, none of this is going to matter!" i yelled back. 

"so your okay with your Fiance having permanent records of assault and battery stamped on every job application for any job she applies for?" he said sternly. 

"i didnt ask her to do it! she did it herself." i pointed towards madeline who was talking to her mother on the other side of the room.

"thats why you stand up in situations like that and take responsibility for what you've done!" he was angry. 

"if she wanted to be a dumbass and do what she did, then thats her fault. i didnt ask her to do it." i snarled. 

then the room fell silent and all eyes were on me. 

"you arent responsible enough for your own actions, then what makes you think you're responsible enough to get married?" madelines dad stormed over towards me. 

"because i love your daughter, we made one mistake. and theres going to be plenty more within the years to come! get over it!" i gritted my teeth. 

"hold on a second.." madeline walks up to me. 

"did you just call me a dumbass?" she raised her eyebrow at me. 

"okay you gotta admit, what you did? it was stupid as fuck." i admitted. 

she pursed her lips and nodded her head in agreement before walking off.

"okay guys..can we talk about this another time...i wanna go to bed." madeline finally groaned. 

"yes...but this conversation isnt over..." my mom glared at me before they all walked out the door. 

"what the fuck!" i exclaimed as i leaned against the door after they walked out. 

"man... they ruined my night." madeline pouted as she plopped down on the couch. 

"your night? i thought your dad was gonna beat my ass!" i exhaled as i sat down on the couch next to Madeline. 

"babe.." i said quietly. 

"what?" she looked at me. 

"i love you." i smiled.. 

"i love you too." she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

then my phone started to ring.

"hey, ill be back, im gonna go answer this." i smiled before getting up and walking outside on the front porch. 

me: aye yo steven, whats up dude?

steven: you wont believe what danny just told me. 

me: what?

i turned around to make sure i shut the door all the way. 

steven: total xanarchy tour is here dude. we're going on tour!

me: gr-great! thats great man... when?

steven: next month!

me: how long will we be gone for...?

steven: boy i dont fucking know. but get ready...cause xanarchy taking over bihhh ! see you soon bro!

how am i going to tell madeline?

"hey babe, can we talk?" i said as i walked in the house. 

"can it wait till tomorrow, whatever it is? im tired. and by the way, tomorrow we have a weird cake testing thing, so we can chose our wedding cake. so we need to get up early for that." she smiled while getting up and walking to the bedroom. 

"babe no we-" i started to say. 

"diego, come on. please. im tired." she laughed. 

"fine..." i finally stopped trying and headed towards the room. 

"im gonna get in the shower." i pursed my lips as i got my clothes and headed to the bathroom. 

after taking a nice warm shower, i got out and went back to the room. madeline was already in bed with the lights off. 

"goodnight baby..i love you." she whispered after i got in bed and wrapped my arms around her. 

"i love you too...no matter what happens.." i said quietly. 

what am i going to do....we get married next month..

lol the hate needs to stoppppp. if you hate my book so much then why did you read it all the way to the 153 chapter. 

im kinda sad.



please excuse any and all grammar and spelling errors. 

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