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Diego's POV

i didnt cheat..why did i say that? i just made things worse...i just wanted her to feel what i was feeling.

"who was it?" she looked at me. i could see her hands shaking.

"does it fucking matter? you cheated too!" i yelled. 

"yeah well you know who i cheated on you with..its only fair if i know who you cheated with so we can move past this..." she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

"she was some bitch from the NY show. doesn't matter." i looked away.

"okay." she finally responded after a long pause. 

i turned around and saw Madeline a few feet away already, walking to her car. I shook my head and turned around and headed down the sidewalk. 

after walking for about half an hour, a car roared up behind me. 

i turned around and i saw stevens car. 

"come on. get in brother." he grinned his lips as he pulled up next to me. 

I gave a faint smile before safely crossing the road and getting in the passenger side.

"i saw Madeline leave the restraunt..and i didn't see you with her so i figured.." he started to say. 

i turned and looked at him as tears filled my eyes.. 

"i know yo ass is not fixing to start crying in my damn car." he laughed as we pulled off. 

"why did you tell her you cheated dude? you didn't. I was literally with you twenty-four seven. so why did you tell her that? you only made things worse." he continued. 

"i-i dont know..i just wanted her to feel the pain i was feeling." i sighed. 

"Diego, are you fucking dumb? your not making her feel any pain. if anything, you're giving her a reason to feel better about herself cheating!"  he yelled as we pulled into the drive-thru of PW's, a milkshake and sundae shop. 

"what?" i asked. 

"Diego, listen, she cheated. and she felt really bad for it. but since you told her you cheated as well..now maybe she doesn't feel as bad for it. you were better off with just sticking to the truth. it would've made her hurt even more than telling her you cheated." he shrugged his shoulders. 

"wheres Danny..." i asked quietly. 

"he left right before i did," he said as we pulled up to the window of the drive-thru. 

"right after Madeline.." he slowly turned and looked at me. 

Madelines POV

"danny, leave me alone!"  i yelled as i walked in the house. 

"just listen to me!" he followed in behind me and closed the door. 

"what. i need to pack a bag before Diego gets back." i sighed as i walked in the bedroom and placed my engagement ring in the jewelry box on my dresser. 

"did you really like me or were you using me to pass time?" he blurted out while slamming his hand on the dresser, making me flinch. 

i looked at him, and i saw tears start to form in his eyes. 

"danny..." i whispered. 

Diegos POV

"Steven, take me home. right fucking now," i exclaimed. my hands started to shake.. i haven't been taking my medicines that the doctors prescribed me back during my episode...

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