addressing the hate.

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okay. real shit. the drama between Diego and tana needs to stop. JESSICA AND DIEGO AE IN. A OPEN RELATIONSHIP. I've personally been communicating with Jessica and the name calling towards her and tana has really became a problem.  I understand that were all upset about it. I am too. quite frankly, I don't understand the point of an open relationship. why be with someone you claim to love if your going to sit there and let him fw other girls.? but its not our decision. we can't control what they do and how they do it. and to the petty mother fuckers who keep posting the video of tana and Diego and the video of Diego and the other girl, and saying " oh fuck this, I'm leaving this fandom." OKAY THEN GO. THERES THE FUCKING DOOR. NO ONES ASKING YOU STAY !. yes we have a right to express our feelings and emotions. but we can't do anything about it. so stop slut shaming, body shaming and SHAMING  in general.  Yes I got upset and felt a sense of hate and anger when I saw the video and when see tanas comments under his pictures. yes I wanted to straight up fucking cut the bitch, but I can't. theres nothing we can do about it.   and I'm fully aware of the fact ill probably lose alot of my daily readers and supporters... </3 but I really hope you guys hear me out... I love every single one of you. but I don't want us hating on them lead to something serious.  I will be updating a lot tonight, so if you still want to continue to read my book after this, please be ready n looking forward to it ... </3 

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