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Diego's POV

"how are you gonna convince them that it was you who beat Jason's ass?" i asked Madeline. 

"you don't think I'm capable of doing a little bit of damage like that to someones face?" she smirked while putting her cuffed wrists on the table. 

"babe. wheres your ring?" i looked down at her hand. 

"they took it. not allowed to have jewelry back there." she sighed while nodding to the door where two police officers stood tall. 

"when is your hearing?" i smiled. 

"i don't know. i think tomorrow." she looked down at my hands folded on the table. 

"Madeline.." i pursed my lips. 


"im sorry..okay. im sorry. if it wasnt for me, we wouldnt be in this mess.." i shook my head. 

"no..if i wouldve just told you the truth..you wouldn't have felt so threatened by Jason..." she looked at me. 

"hold up." i sat up straight in my seat. 

"you thought i felt threatened? by jason? you think thats why i got so damn mad?" i said harshly. 

"ye-yeah.. you thought something was going on between me and jason.." she raised an eyebrow at me. 

"yeah, i did, because you lied to me Madeline. i knew you were with jason that day i saw yall in the fucking parking lot" i laughed out of frustration. 

"then why didnt you say anything when you called me?" she sighed. 

"because i wanted my fiance to be honest with me for once!" i stood up from my chair. 

"i was protecting your feelings from getting hurt, why are you mad at me? is seeing me in handcuffs and a jumpsuit not good enough for you? may i remind you, that we're in this situation because of you. if you weren't so crazy and knew how to control your anger, you wouldnt have pointlessly went off on Jason the way you did." she argued back. 

"and you didnt have to take the blame for anything. im a grown ass man madeline i can take care of myself" i laid my hands on the table. 

"oh really? is that why i had to force you out of bed for days straight after you jumped off a bridge, almost killing yourself. you would probably still be in bed feeling bad for yourself if it wasn't for me." she stood up as well. 

she had a point...i was only making things worse between us by trying to argue. 

"you dont get it Madeline...you lied." 

"okay fine, yes i lied. but i dont understand why you're still arguing with me about it Diego. i was telling jason he had to back off. what part about that do you not understand? why can't you just forgive and forget." she lowered her voice. 

"because, what if Jason was right. how are we going to last as a married couple if we cant even trust each other?" i finally said. 

"we have gone through hell and back as a couple Diego. we seem to make it through everything." she portrayed a weak smile. 

"times up. come with us." a police officer grabbed madelines arm, pulling her towards the door.

" ill see you soon." she said before walking out the door. 

Madelines POV 

"Madeline Rose, it has come to my attention that you, assaulted Jason, is that correct?" the judge said as i stood up from my seat. 

"yes your honor." i sighed. 

"i see that this isnt your first charge for assault." she raised her eyebrow at me. 

"yeah well its not my fault. i don't beat ass unless necessary." i smiled. 

"and what was the reason this time?" she asked. 

"Jasons an asshole. you wouldn't know that unless you spent enough time with him. he threatened mine and my fiance's marriage. I'm of course going to do something about it" i argued. i slowly turned around and saw Diego anxiously sitting in the back of the room staring at me. 

"you have a funny sense of humor." the judge smiled at me. 

i heard Diego snicker in the back. 

"is that your fiance back there?" she nodded towards the boy in the back with the shaggy hair, wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans.


the judge went to say something else. but before she could; a police officer walked up to her and whispered something quietly. 

"due to the decisions made by Jason and his lawyer, all charges have been dropped." she flipped over the file in front of her. 

i turn around and watched as Diego's head shot up in my direction, then at Jason who was sitting in another chair just a few feet away from me with a bandage over his nose. 

"take her to get her things." the judge stood up and nodded her head towards me. 

two officers came up to me, leading me towards the door I came in. 


"those doors right there. your fiance should be waiting for you out there." an officer nodded towards the double doors after i grabbed my things. 

I nodded my head in agreement before walking quickly towards the door. 

i walked out the doors and i saw Diego at the desk signing papers. i ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Woah hold on there." he chuckled while handing the lady the pen and papers back. he turned around and smiled. 

"lets go home baby." he kissed my cheek.  he started walking towards the door so i ran and jumped on his back. 

"could've warned me next time.." he laughed as he put his hands under my legs, supporting my weight. 

"so. whats next on the to be married...soon list?" he laughed as he carried me all the way to the parking lot. 

"Chinese food?" i walked towards the car. 

"Chinese food...of course." he chuckled while unlocking the car. 


but anyways. i love you guys 🖤

please excuse any and all grammar and spelling errors.

daddy • Lil XanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora