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Madeline's POV

"are you sure?" the police officer asked. 

"yeah..." i sighed. 

"Ma'am...i understand you're under a lot of pressure right now.. but you should think about it first...before any decisions are final.." he looks at me concerned. "Wheres your fiancé?" he continues. 

"in the waiting room." i look at him coldly. " let's bring him in here so we all can discuss this..." he goes to stand up from the chair that was sitting across from my hospital bed. 

"no. this doesn't involve him. " i snap. 

the two police officers look at each other worriedly but then return their focus back to me. 

"so let's get this right... you want to drop all your charges on Danny?" one raises his eyebrow. 

"yes. that's exactly what i want to do." 

Diego's POV 

"whats fucking taking so long bro?" i ask steven nervously. we have been sitting in the waiting room for the past two hours and yet, not one doctor has come out here to tell us anything.

"chill..relax Diego. they're probably doing a lot of tests and stuff." he pats me on the shoulder. 

i watched as two police officers walk out into the lobby and up to the front desk. 

" family and friends of Madeline Rose?" a nurse walked out from between the double doors.

"that's us." I stand up. 

Stevens POV

"that's us." Diego stands up quickly. i stand up as well. the two police officers look at each other then back at us. "is there a problem?" i ask rudely. they both shake their head then turn back to the nurse behind the front desk. "we just left Ms. Roses room, can you please keep an eye on her?" one officer whispers so low that i almost couldn't hear what he said. 

"uh...Diego... can i talk to Madeline first? in private?" i asked as we approached her room. 

"sure bro, I'm gonna go use the bathroom anyways," he says while walking towards the restrooms. 

"okay so we need to talk." i walk into her room and shut the door. "nice to see you too." she smiles lazily. she must've been doped up on medicine. "why did police officers just leave your room?" i ask while sitting down in the chair across from her bed.  "oh. because i dropped the charges on danny." she yawns. 

"you did what?!" i yell while standing up. 

"Steven, whats the point of holding a grudge on someone?? yeah, he shot me, yeah, he hurt me, but there's nothing i can do about it now! making him spend most of his life in jail is cruel and wrong.   i told them i still want a restraining order, but that's as far as it goes. i dont feel like being responsible for throwing away some boys life!" she yells back.  

"Madeline...are you fucking stupid? do you even ehar yourself right now?" i sigh.. i rub my hand on my face then i turn around, meeting Diegos sad, tear filling eyes. i didn't even hear him come in. he shakes his head then walks out the room. 

"Dammit, Madeline! every little fucking thing you do ruins everything! why can't you just stop, and accept life for once! you're putting so much stress on that boy and you dont even know it!" i smack my hand against the wall before running out of the room to chase Diego down the hall. 

Madelines POV

"now, you had some symptoms of paralysis, but the tests show it was just from how much you were walking without your crutches. i gave you some antibiotics to help with the pain, and muscle relaxers to help loosen those stiff muscles. But other than that, your good to go home. is anyone here to pick you up?" the doctor says. 

"um..I'm ..im not sure." i stutter. 

"thats alright. ill roll you out to the lobby and you can see if anyone you know is here for you." he smiles while helping me into a wheelchair. As he pushes my chair out into the lobby, i saw neither Diego nor Steven. "actually, i think my moms coming to pick me up." i smile. hoping he'd believe me. 

"alright...would you like me to wheel you outside to the pickup circle so you can wait for her there?" he asks. 

"that'd be nice, please, thank you." i yawn. 

he wheels me outside and i wait at the pickup circle. i reach into my bag and grab my phone. 

it was late already and i was ready to go to bed.  after a few minutes, i hear a car pull up right in front of me. Diego hops out of the driver side and opens up the passenger door. 


"just tell me how to take the break off of this thing." he sighs while trying to push the wheelchair towards his car. 

"there's a button," i whisper. 

"no shit, really? where?" he sounds highly aggravated. 

"near the handle thing," i mumble. after a few seconds, he finally finds it. he pushes me to his car then picks me up out of my seat bridal style and carefully sets me in the passenger seat. 

"thank-" he glares at me before shutting the door, not even allowing me to finish. i watch him bring the chair back into the lobby. Then in seconds, he walks back out.  

"are you hungry?? he asks as he gets in the car. 

"i guess so...wheres Steven?" i ask.

 "uh..i took him back to the house so he can get his car and go home," he says while pulling out of the parking lot. 

"oh okay.." 

"what do you want to eat?" Diego says while watching the road exquisitely.  

"it doesn't mater..hey can we talk for a second?" i ask. 

he sighs then pulls off the side of the road. putting the car in park. 

"what do you want to talk about Madeline? im trying so hard to make this work between us. i just sometimes dont understand the things you do. im trying to protect you and you just aren't letting me. im trying to love and cherish you, I'm trying to fucking marry you next weekend but you aren't letting me!  i just dont understand! please, help me understand Madeline. i love you more than anything, i would do greater things for you, but it's like your taking advantage of that! how can you possibly not think before doing shit like this! you just got that son of a bitch an out of jail free card... literally! please just tell me what i should do! because I'm so close to giving up...please.." tears were forming in his eyes. 

"i just dont understand...like I'm not even mad..I'm confused. baby, i want to understand why you did it. i need you to talk to me when somethings going on . or when somethings bothering you..please help me understand because right now i feel so fucking clueless."  he continues then looks at me. 

"do you even still want to be with me?" he whispers. 

please excuse all grammar, spelling, punctuation errors. 

sorry, i dont have any stories about Mrs. Squiggles, I'm on spring break so i haven't seen her... THANKFULLY. 

i need song suggestions for which song i should cover next. and if you haven't checked out my videos yet, you should go do that :) @socialvega on Instagram. 


i love you guys!, I'm updating again today!!

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