Summoning The Shirou

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Chaldea; the organization created to protect humanity. Its remaining members include its last master, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu Kyrielight, Leonardo Da Vinci, Fou, the staff of Chaldea, and many other servants summoned from the Throne of Heroes.

Usually, every day in Chaldea is always eventful because of the number of servants around.

However, today may as well be Chaldea's most eventful and craziest day ever...

All because of a saint quartz summoning of a certain hero...

Ritsuka now stands in Chaldea's summoning room. After countless hours of grinding for saint quarts, he was finally ready to summon new servants, hoping that he would get some servants instead of Black Keys, Mapo Tofu, and other craft essences.

"All right! Hope I can get some new servants today!" Ritsuka exclaimed excitedly. He was hoping to get some new servants after his last summoning event in didn't go so well for him in which he ended up with only craft essences.

And that happened multiple times on that day...

Anyways, Ritsuka puts the negative thoughts from his last summoning event behind him and thought positively. "Hope I get something good today," he thought as he placed the saint quartz onto the summoning alter.

"Senpai. Are you sure about this?" Mashu asked.

"Sure. Why?"

"Well..." Mashu meekly said before thinking about the last summoning event...


"GOD DAMN IT! JUST HOW?! HOW?! AFTER MULTIPLE TIMES, I STILL DIDN'T GET A SERVANT?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! IS THE SUMMONING SYSTEM SCREWING ME OVER OR WHAT?!" Ritsuka yelled on the other side of his room after the multiple failed attempts.

At that point, he was starting to sound like berserker and started cursing like there was no tomorrow.

It was then that Mashu happened to be nearby and was traumatized at Ritsuka's yelling and cursing.

(Back to the present...)

"That's why," Mashu said after recalling what happened after the summoning event.

"Oh..." Ritsuka said embarrassingly after finding out that Mash heard his berserker-crazed outburst and curses. "Well today can't go that bad."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I just probably had a bad streak that day. Anyway, after weeks of grinding for saint quartz and summon tickets, I'm finally ready to summon some new servants!"

"Okay then...just don't rage and flip out when things go wrong please," Mashu pleaded.

"Relax. What's the worst that can happen?"

(A few minutes later...)

Ritsuka was in despair. Total despair as the saint quartz and summoning tickets he was saving up for were completely wasted as all that came out of the summoning system were like last time: craft essences.

Especially when most of the craft essences were Mapo Tofu and Black Keys.

"Damn's just like last time..." Ritsuka muttered as he was all fours on the ground in despair while crying.

"Senpai..." Mashu said worryingly.

"Why...just why?"

Mash looked at Ritsuka and gave him some words of comfort. "If you don't can have this," she said as she hands him a few saint quartz.

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now