Da Vinci Discovers Kamen Rider

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Da Vinci let out a sigh as she was walking in Chaldea's hallway, minding her own business. As she was walking in the hallway, her mind was thinking of many things to do.

Or rather, she was trying to think of what to do, but wasn't able to because of the lack of ideas and motivation to do. And she was struggling because of it.

"Hm...wonder what should I make today? Although the problem is that I'm all out of fresh ideas to use, and nothing is coming into my head now. Is this is what Osakabehime or Jeanne D'Arc Alter or Blackbeard feels like when they're out of ideas for what projects they want to make? Wow, guess even a genius like me gets an idea block once in a while..."

As Da Vinci continued walking in the hallway, she noticed something that was on the ground. She then got closer to it and picked it up, wanting to know what it is.

What she picked up was a DVD case, and it said, "Kamen Rider Wizard Vol 1."

Upon reading the title, Da Vinci got a little bit interested in the DVD case. "Kamen Rider Wizard? What is that? Don't tell me Ritsuka dropped one of his things again...I swear, he needs to learn to check his pockets sometimes. Although who is Kamen Rider Wizard? Is he related to magecraft? And this DVD case...is it a life story or something?"

After examining the DVD case multiple times, Da Vinci let out a small shrug. "Eh. I'll take a look at the DVD now. Ritsuka won't mind if I borrow this for a small bit. Maybe this DVD could give me some ideas..."

Da Vinci then went back to her workshop/room, opened the contents of the DVD case, inserted it into the DVD player she had installed in her room, and began to watch it.

"Well, let's see how it goes..."

(A few hours later...)

"That was amazing! The action, the interactions, everything about it amazes me! Not only that, but the many gadgets, rings, were amazing! Especially the belts and how they work! Oh man, thinking about them makes me want to build them myself!"

Da Vinci the took out the DVD from the DVD player and put it back in the case. "I wonder if Ritsuka has any more volumes for me to borrow..."

At that moment, Da Vinci got addicted to Kamen Rider Wizard.

(The next day...)

Ritsuka was in his room, trying to find a certain DVD case.

"Where is the DVD case for Kamen Rider Wizard Vol 1? It should be around here somewhere. I swear, did I drop it in one of the hallways? If so, then then I'm going to have to search throughout in Chaldea to see where it is..." Ritsuka thought as he looked under his bed to see if the DVD case was there.

As time passed, he wasn't able to find his DVD. Eventually, he gave up searching his room.

"Well, looks like it's not here. Might as well go outside to find it..."

Ritsuka then proceeded to clean up his room and head towards his door. He then soon went through each hallway to see if the DVD case was there. Not only that, but he also checked with every nearly every servant to see if anyone has ever seen it, but sadly, no one has ever saw it.

Ritsuka let out a sigh as his search came out to nothing. "Well, looks like my search came out with no results. Might as well try again tomorrow."

However, as Ritsuka continued walking, he ended up crossing paths with Da Vinci.

And she was holding the DVD case Ritsuka was searching for.

"Hey there...Ritsuka..." Da Vinci said.

"Hey there Da Vinci. By the way, that DVD case you're holding...is that-" Ritsuka replied as he looked at the DVD case she was holding.

"Yes Ritsuka. This is the Kamen Rider Wizard Vol 1 DVD case," Da Vinci said as she cut Ritsuka off from finishing his sentence.

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