The Holy Shirou War

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Today was the last day of the vacation, and tomorrow, Ritsuka along with his servants would return to Chaldea and resume his duties.

"Well, today's is my last day of vacation...wonder what should I do next?"

However, as he was thinking, he then felt a weird feeling in the air. At that moment, he knew that the area around him wasn't safe. "What the heck...what's this weird feeling in the's making me tired for some reason..."

And then, Shirou fell to the ground, sleeping.

"Is phase one complete?" a voice asked.

"Yes. Our target has fallen asleep and has been neutralized," another voice replied.

"Great. Now let's take him."


(A few hours later...)

"Wonder what we are doing here?" Arturia asked.

"I don't know. However, if Merlin told us to be here, then I got a weird feeling about this..." Arturia Alter replied.

"Merlin huh? Wonder what teacher is up to now?" Arturia Lily asked.

"Who knows? One thing for sure that it's going to involve trouble," Lancer Arturia said.

"That I can agree on," Lancer Arturia Alter said.

"Me too," Ruler Arturia said.

"Speaking of which, Irisviel is a part of this too," Archer Arturia said.

"Irisviel? Great, this can't be good..." Rider Arturia Alter asked.

"Yeah. If they are planning something together...then I have a bad feeling about this..." Santa Arturia Alter said.

"Who cares! What I want to know is why we were brought here!" Mysterious Heroine X yelled.

"So do I," Mysterious Heroine X Alter replied.

"Me too," Mysterious Heroine XX said.

"Mou...what are we doing here...?" Ishtar asked to her counterparts.

"I don't know. Form what we heard, there was going to be an event here," Ereshkigal replied.

"An event huh? I hope there is some sort of prize here..." Rider Ishtar said.

"What kind of event is this going to be...?"Parvati said.

"Who knows? Hope it's something good..." Kama said.

"Yeah. Otherwise I'll be mad..." BB said.

"Big sister. Please don't..." Passionlip said.

"Yeah. Otherwise it'll be a pain in the ass to clean up your mess later..." Meltlilith said.

"Yeah. I don't want to clean up your mess..." Kingprotea said.

"What is mama up to now?" Illya asked.

"I don't know. One thing for sure though is that there's going to be chaos," Kuro replied.

"Agreed," Sitonai said.

"Yeah," Miyu said.

"Why did Sherou's mother call all of us here? Is there something going to happen soon? And why is she here?" Astraea said as she looked at Ishtar and her counterparts.

"This amount of many people here...we might have a huge event on our hands!" Nero said excitedly.

"Umu! And it could be fun as well!" Caster Nero replied as well.

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