Fight Between Altered Lions

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Arturia Alter was sitting on a sofa in one of Chaldea's recreational rooms, eating a hamburger. " expected, hamburgers made by Shirou are the best. Even the hamburgers from the famous fast-food chains can't compare to them..." she thought as she continued to take bites out of her hamburger happily.

However, it was then she noticed a certain heroine watching in the distance at the entrance of the room.

That heroine was Mysterious Heroine X Alter, and she was staring at the hamburger Arturia Alter was eating.

"Hm...why is she looking at the hamburger Shirou made for me...?" Arturia Alter thought.

Soon, Mysterious Heroine X Alter soon went up to Arturia Alter while staring at the hamburger at the same time. "What do you want?" Arturia Alter asked.

Mysterious Heroine X Alter pointed at the hamburger. "That hamburger...I want some of that..." she said as she proceeded to grab it, but Arturia Alter quickly slapped her hand away.

"No. This burger is mine," she declared.

"I see." Mysterious Heroine X Alter then pulled something out of her pocket, which was a small box of chocolate mushrooms. "Then how about this? I give you some of these chocolate mushrooms, you give me some of that burger. Deal?"

Arturia Alter still held on to her hamburger with an angry look on her face. "No."

"Why not?"

Arturia Alter was silent for a moment before continuing the conversation. "Because this burger is made by Shirou himself."

"Eh? Shirou made that?" Mysterious Heroine X Alter asked in wonder.

"Yeah. Earlier, Shirou made me a hamburger set to eat in case of emergencies. Therefore, this burger set is mine only, and you can't have it. Furthermore, the value of this burger set made by Shirou outweighs the box of chocolate mushrooms you bought, so no. No burger for you."

Mysterious Heroine X Alter let out a sigh of defeat. "Aw well, at least it was a try, although why does she get a burger from Shirou? I want one too..." she thought sadly as she began to walk out of the room. However, when as she did, she bumped into a certain person.

And that person is Emiya Shirou, who was holding two bags.

"Hm? Shirou? What are you doing here? And what are those bags over there?" X Alter said.

"Hm? Ah, let's just say that...I think I made a bit too many hamburgers in the kitchen earlier during lunch and I figured I want to share some of them. Do you want some?"

X Alter's eyes lit up upon hearing Shirou's words. "Yes. I want some burgers."

"Great. Let's find a place to sit then."

Shirou and X Alter then headed back into the recreational room. As they did, Shirou noticed that Arturia Alter was still at the sofa, eating the hamburger he made earlier. "Oh, hey there Alter."

"Hey there Shirou. What's with those bags over there?" Arturia Alter mumbled while eating her hamburger at the same time.

"Oh. There's more hamburgers in them. Want some?"

Arturia Alter's eyes lit up. "Yes!"

Soon, Shirou and X Alter soon sat down on the sofa Arturia Alter was sitting on earlier, with X Alter sitting really close to Shirou. Upon seeing X Alter's actions, Arturia Alter got jealous and decided to do the same thing as X Alter. "Two can play at that game..."

Shirou let out a small sigh as he grabbed for a hamburger from the bag and took a bite out of it. As the three continued to eat, X Alter asked Shirou a question. "Hey Shirou, can I ask you something?"

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