Becoming Chaldea's Idol

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Shirou was walking down the hallway, minding his own business. As he did, he came across a certain poster. The poster itself was in neon and had a silhouette of a person singing. There were also a few bits of text in the bottom middle of the poster.

Chaldea's First Singing/Idol contest! If you think you have the makings of an idol, then join this contest!
Hosted by yours truly, Da Vinci!
First Prize is 10,000,000 QP! And the honor of being Chaldea's singing idol!
Location: Chaldea Theater
Time: 2:00 pm

Shirou was surprised at the contest itself, but not surprised at the person who was hosting it. "Da Vinci...why am I not surprised. Still though, an idol contest that involves singing? What is going on in your head these days? Well either way, it's none of my business..."

Eventually, Shirou lost interest in the poster and moved on to his daily life.

Little did he know that he was going to get involved into the contest, one way or another...

Mysterious Idol X Alter was walking in the hallway, minding her own business as she was eating some dorayaki. " seems a bit boring...wonder if there is something interesting coming up soon..."

As she was walking down the hallway, it was then she came across the same poster Shirou saw earlier, and she looked at it with great interest. "Hm? An idol contest? Let's see here...first prize is 1,000,000 QP. Along with the honor of being Chaldea's first singing idol..."

"Oh my, you seem to be quite interested in that poster," a new voice said behind her.

Upon hearing the new voice, Mysterious Heroine X Alter quickly turned around to see Melin, who was wearing his signature grin. She then let out a sigh. "What do you want, you pervert?"

Merlin was taken back a bit but continued the conversation with a smile on his face. "Oh nothing. I was just wondering what you were looking at, and it happens to be this poster over there," Merlin replied as he soon began to look at the poster itself as well. "Eh...a singing and idol contest...that sounds interesting. As expected of Da Vinci, she can think of many ways to make Chaldea more interesting..."

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Mysterious Heroine X Alter asked.

"Hm? Ah, yeah. Anyways, interested in this contest?"

Mysterious Idol X Alter let out a smirk. "Isn't it obvious? Of course, I want to join this contest. 10,000,000 and the privilege of being Chaldea's number one idol, that's a win-win situation right there."

At that moment, Merlin decided to stroke the flames of passion inside of her for a bit. "And I suppose you want Shirou's attention. Am I right?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

Mysterious Idol X Alter's ears perked up upon hearing Shirou's name. "He have a good point there. Shirou would notice me more if I became Chaldea's number one idol...maybe I should give him an invitation the next time I see him..."

"Anyways, do you want some help on being the best idol in all of Chaldea?" Merlin asked, snapping Mysterious Idol X Alter out of her thoughts.

"Huh? You can help me be the best?" she asked.

"Yeah. Leave it to me! And to prove it to you, just come to my room tomorrow and I'll help you to be the best idol of Chaldea!" Merlin said excitedly as he soon left. "Remember, tomorrow in my room for lessons!"

Merlin soon left, leaving the idol alone. "That guy...he better does what he says...or else I'll kick his ass..."

Mysterious Idol X Alter was walking towards Merlin's room, ready to see if Merlin was able to keep his promise. " goes nothing..." she thought as she headed into Merlin's room. As she did, her mouth nearly dropped at what she was seeing in front of her.

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