An Emperor's Evaluation

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A term for characters that carry the same face as Arturia Pendragon, the king of knights.

For example, Arturia Alter, Arturia Lily, Lancer Arturia, Lancer Arturia Alter, Ruler Arturia, Archer Arturia, Rider Arturia Alter, Santa Arturia Alter, Mysterious Heroine X, Mysterious Heroine X Alter, Mysterious XX, Mordred Pendragon, Summer Mordred, Saber Nero, Caster Nero, Bride Nero, Jeanne D'Arc, Archer Jeanne D'Arc, Jeanne D'Arc Alter, Berserker Jeanne D'Arc Alter, Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily, Okita Souji, Summer Okita Souji, Okita Souji Alter, and Lakshmibal carry the same face as Arturia Pendragon.

No one knows why or how many historical figures carries the same face...

It's a wonder that no one is confused with them, considering how there are so many servants with nearly the same face, let alone being alternate versions or something else...

And it's another wonder how they haven't got into a fight with each other over knowing which one is which.

Normally, the Arturias, Neros, Mordred, Jeanne D'Arcs, and the Okitas get along with each other...for the most part.

However, all of that will change...

When a certain roman emperor got word of a certain red-haired hero and his skills...

Shirou was in the cafeteria, minding his own business as he was cleaning up the dishes from the daily lunch with the Arturias, Rins, Sakuras, Illya, Miyu, Astraea, Irisviel, and Kiritsugu.

However, his usual routine at the cafeteria was a certain saber-face servant.

"Excuse me but are you the heroic spirit known as Emiya Shirou?" a voice said.

Shirou turned around to see who the voice came from...and was surprised as soon as he looked at her.

The person he was looking at looked like Arturia, but was different. The person was wearing a red battle dress like Arturia's blue battle dress but had a few differences. One which was that the dress didn't cover the back and focused on her breasts, giving them attention. Her eyes were green like Arturia's, but in a lighter tone.

However, that wasn't even the thing that caught him off guard.

Because the bottom of the dress was transparent, making it very easy to see her panties.

"Um...Arturia?" Shirou asked after having a temporary mind shutdown.

"Arturia? Ah, I'm sorry, but I'm not her despite us looking like each other," the person replied.

"Really? Then who are you?"

The person let out a grin. "Umu! My name is Nero Claudius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus!"

Shirou couldn't believe what Nero said. "Nero?! You mean that Nero?! The fifth emperor of Rome?!"

Nero let out a huge smile. "Umu! It's glad that you know of me Emiya Shirou!"

Shirou stared at her in disbelief. "No way! That's Nero Claudius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus?! But why does she look like Arturia?! Are they related?! Nah, it can't be. But still though...why does she look like Arturia?! It doesn't make any sense! I do get the other versions of Arturia though considering that they are her, but this? This is making my mind crazy," he thought.

"Is there something wrong?" Nero asked, snapping him out of his daze.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing," Shirou replied. After a few seconds, Shirou took a deep breath and asked, "So...why have you come for me Nero?"

"Umu! I came here after hearing of your skills!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Shirou was confused. "Skills?"

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